the beginning of every journey that is life
any departure begins.
An open suitcase, all my clothes on the bed ready to be folded as best as possible, try to get the shirt that we will not forget. the cabinet doors are open, no longer have to hide clothes made in bulk, there is nothing to be protected from prying eyes, and often new. the closet tells a lot about us. We are meticulous in placing each garment or we drop clothes waiting for a miracle?
any voyage begins with lists of items to buy kilometers, from perfume to a shirt that could be used in any particular occasion. balances are coveted, especially the day before a holiday.
and here we are all here, who the night before and who a week before the big day, with the port / open suitcases on the bed ready to be filled. the continuing indecision of what should be made mandatory and what can stay home. "What temperature will the evening?"
"T-shirt and skirt or dress?". the answer is always the same "brings all the burdens, you never know," because you have to leave home a of the two? brings all the space is there and then you do not want to dress mica in the same way. "
the conclusion is always the same, as we try every year to become less cumbersome: the closet is now empty, yet we feels more satisfied with the work that has been done. we introduced all possible. if we could we also rolled the walls of the house and there they would be taken away. Every year we get into more and more things in the same suitcase. the question now is "explode sooner or later? or you accartoccierà on itself in a last mournful sigh? "
and only when you are on holiday in the sun in some beautiful city or the beach, you will finally account of having left the most important thing ...........