Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
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Immensity cloistered in thy dear womb,
Now leaves his welbelov'd imprisonment,
There he hath made himself to his intent
Weak enough, now into our world to come;
But Oh, for thee, for him, hath th'Inne no roome?
Yet lay him in this stall, and from the Orient,
Stars, and wisemen will travel to prevent
Th'effect of Herod's jealous general doom;
Seest thou, my Soul, with thy faith's eyes, how he
Which fills all place, yet none holds him, doth lie?
Was not his pity towards thee wondrous high,
That would have need to be pitied by thee?
Kiss him, and with him into Egypt goe,
With his kind mother, who partakes thy woe.
Friday, December 4, 2009
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friend of the moment, therefore, is the word "Advent". And the feeling that dominates the moment and makes it full of peace, full of supervision and production, is just waiting.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
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"And 'this immortal instinct of beauty that makes us see the world and all its beauty as a reflection, as a match in heaven. The unquenchable thirst for all that is beyond, and reveals the life, is the most vivid proof of our immortality. Together with poetry and through poetry, music and through music, the soul perceives the light that shines beyond the grave, and when a perfect poem gives birth to tears, these tears are not a sign of a excessive joy, but rather a sign of exasperated sadness, a need nervosa, exiled in the imperfect nature of who hanker to have suffered in this world, a paradise found. "
C. Baudelaire, from Art Romantique
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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"If you want to build a ship, do not gather men to collect firewood and distribute the work, but teach them a longing for the wide and endless sea."
Friday, November 20, 2009
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"Narrasi about it a very interesting anecdote. The legislative council of the Cisalpine, which Parini was a member, held its meeting at the same place where he sits the old bedroom and a large crucifix, that one day some of those exalted Republicans did raise on. Parini coupling and no longer saw the crucifix proudly asked his colleagues: Where is the Christian citizen? To which they, laughing and joking, said I did not put anywhere else because he had nothing to do with the new republic. But the austere poet said, well, nothing to do when most citizens had nothing to do more nemmen'io Christ. And he immediately resigned from his office. "
Vincenzo Monti, In the death of Lorenzo Mascheroni , 180
Thursday, November 19, 2009
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for Catherine and for us
Posted: 18 Nov 2009 09:45 AM PST
Now begins November 18 novena for the feast of the Miraculous Medal (November 27) which recalls the wonderful apparitions (which took place at Rue du Bac, Paris) of the Virgin Mary to Catherine Laboure, a sister of 24 years today proclaimed santa.Caterina in particular said this significant interview:
What we want is to take advantage of this extraordinary relief of the Mother of God, our loving Mother. I therefore propose to do with this novena from oggi.Io've already begun to Catherine and together we can make it to all your patients and for our conversion.
Antonio Socci
Sunday, November 15, 2009
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St. Augustine (Confessions)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
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The ruling by the European Court of Human Rights against the
crucifixes in classrooms has caused a stir of protest rightly
almost all Italians - 84% according to a survey delCorriere della Sera - have outraged
"And who do you say I am?". This question of Jesus to his disciples
reaches us from the past and challenges us now.
That Christ on the crucifix is \u200b\u200bnot a relic of popular piety to which you can feed
, almassimo, a devout recollection.
Nor is it a general symbol of our tradition of social and cultural
Christ is a living man, which led nelmondo an opinion, a new experience
, which has to do with all: to study and work, with the affections and desires
, with life and Lamorte. Experience of humanity accomplished.
crucifixes can be removed, but can not be removed from reality
a living man. Except for the kill, as it happened, but then it is more
live before! It
deceive those who want to remove the crucifixes, if they think they contribute so
to erase from the "public space" Christianity as
experience and opinion: if it is in their power-but is yet to be verified and we are confident that
denied - remove the crosses, it is not in loromani
removed from the real Christians live.
But there is a drawback that we Christians can not be ourselves,
forgetting what Christianity is, then it would defend the crucifix
a losing battle, because the man would not say anything to our lives.
The European verdict is a challenge to our faith. To
we can not return quietly to the usual things, after outraged protests,
avoiding the fundamental question: yes crucified, crucified no, where is the event
diCristo today? Or in the words diDostoevskij: "A man
Read, a European of today may believe, really believe,
the divinity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ? ".
Communion and Liberation
November 2009.
Friday, November 6, 2009
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Those walls hung with crucifixes ...
Jesus was judged - Two thousand years ago - by the various courts of his time. And we decided what the "justice" at the time.
Today the European Court in Strasbourg has ruled that schools leave exposed the picture of innocence murdered by the "human justice" violate religious freedom.
E 'was noted that, if anything, the crucifix reminds us all of what is human justice and what is the power and is therefore a great symbol of secularism (yes, secularism) and free (one wonders if the ancients Judges of Jesus would be happy or unhappy with a ruling today the gates image that of their "judicial error" or better than their horrible injustice).
But calmly discuss the reasons for the decision today: the crucifix in classrooms, say the judges, is "a violation of the right of parents to educate their children according to their convictions" and a violation of "freedom of religion of the pupils ".
Regarding the first objective reason that this is quite right of parents affected by state legislation that does not give freedom of education and who may use public schools for ideological indoctrination.
The second reason is even more absurd. The crucifix on the wall does not impose anything on anyone, but is the symbol of our history. A similar ruling is first rejected for lack of historical sense, that is, cultural awareness, nullifying the question as it comes to schools. Apparently unaware of what is the history and culture of our people.
For consistency the courts should also make clear the Christmas school holidays (two weeks) and Easter (one week), because it violates religious freedom.
According to this ruling, the very existence of our two thousand years of tradition and faith of our people (90 per cent who voluntarily choose the time of the Catholic religion) sono di per sé un “attentato” alla libertà altrui.
I giudici di Strasburgo dovrebbero esigere la cancellazione dai programmi scolastici di gran parte della storia dell’arte e dell’architettura, di fondamenti della letteratura come Dante (su cui peraltro si basa la lingua italiana: cancellata anche questa?) o Manzoni, di gran parte del programma di storia, di interi repertori di musica classica e di tanta parte del programma di filosofia.
Infatti tutta la nostra cultura è così intrisa di cristianesimo che doverla studiare a scuola dovrebbe essere considerato – stando a quei giudici – un attentato alla libertà religiosa. In lingua ebraica the letters of the word "Italy" means "island of the dew of God": we want to erase the name of our country not to offend atheists? And the national anthem that calls to God?
Even the street of our city (Piazza del Duomo, Via San Giacomo, Piazza San Francesco) has to be upset? Even the appearance (we love) of vineyards and hills of Umbria and Tuscany - as explained Franco Rhone - is due to the history of Christian and a Catholic sense of the seasons: we want to delete them also?
not all. As suggested by Alfredo Mantovano, "if a crucifix in a classroom School is distressing and discrimination, even more so that the Dome 'lies' in Milan or the Holy House of Loreto, which everyone sees from the Bologna-Taranto: The European Court of Human Rights will require the removal both? "
Lords judges, you must have a comprehensive plan for demolition, which should also be part as well as hospitals and universities (beginning with that of Oxford), mostly born from the bosom of his Church?
Finally (sweep away the Magna Charta, and the great St. Thomas School of Salamanca) should also demolish democracy and equal rights (Beginning with the Strasbourg Court) literally gave birth and legitimacy (international law) from the Catholic theology and Christian history?
The Italian Constitution - based on the notions of "human person" and "intermediate" (communities that stand between individuals and state) - is steeped in Catholic thought. Delete them also as an attack on freedom of those who are not Catholic?
And Europe? The very existence of Europe is due to Christian history, not least because without the Pope and Christian kings in the Pyrenees first, then at Lepanto and Vienna, Europe was swept via becoming an Islamic caliphate.
will say that I exaggerate the crucifix to tie all this. But there is a historical rebuttal. In fact, were the two monsters of the twentieth century - Nazism and communism - a first groped to sweep away the crucifixes from classrooms and European history.
hated the innocent Son of God slain on the cross, were bloodthirsty persecutors of the Church and the Jewish people (the two peoples of Jesus) who was martyred in every way and were absolute enemies (and destruction) of democracy and human rights 'man (as well as Europe's Christian culture and civilization).
The Nazis came to power just unleashed the so-called "War of the crucifix" in which he attempted to remove the walls of schools Germanic image of Jesus crucified.
not put up with the Jew, the son of Mary, and wanted to replace the cross of the Son of God, the one hooked, the esoteric symbol of their gods of blood and strength. So did the communism which attempted to eradicate Christ from history itself.
If modern European democratic institutions are founded on the defeat of totalitarianism in the twentieth century, it would not be even the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg held that the tragedy of the twentieth century was the result of ideologies that hated the crucified (and tried to eradicate it), and their millions of victims are found precisely meant by the Crucified?
no coincidence that it was a Jewish writer Natalia Ginzburg, to take up the defense when the crucifix - in the eighties - there was another attempt to erase the classroom: "Do not remove the crucifix" was the title of his article .
"the crucifix does not generate any discrimination. Silent. And 'the image of the Christian revolution, which has spread to the world the idea of \u200b\u200bequality among men hitherto absent. The revolution cristiana ha cambiato il mondo. Vogliamo forse negare che ha cambiato il mondo? (…) Dicono che da un crocifisso appeso al muro, in classe, possono sentirsi offesi gli scolari ebrei. Perché mai dovrebbero sentirsene offesi gli ebrei? Cristo non era forse un ebreo e un perseguitato, e non è forse morto nel martirio, come è accaduto a milioni di ebrei nei lager? Il crocifisso è il segno del dolore umano”.
La Ginzburg proseguiva:
“Non conosco altri segni che diano con tanta forza il senso del nostro umano destino. Il crocifisso fa parte della storia del mondo… prima di Cristo nessuno aveva mai detto che gli uomini sono uguali e fratelli tutti, ricchi e poveri, credenti e non believers, Jews and non-Jews and blacks and whites, and no one before him had said that in the center of our existence we have place the solidarity among human beings ... It seems to me that the good guys, the kids, they know right from the desks of school ".
With all due respect we hope that we learn and the courts. "The crucifix is \u200b\u200bpart of world history," writes the Ginzburg.
Finally, the cross is the biggest exorcism against evil. In fact, the crucifix is \u200b\u200bnot to need to stay on our walls, but the opposite. As one verse of a song by Gianna Nannini: "These crucifixes hanging on the walls ...." Literally everything collapsed without him, we are all in danger.
This will erase the walls and in the end - as in Saudi Arabia - could also prohibited from wearing the symbol at the neck, but no one can stop take it to heart. And this is the choice of underwear each. The more important.
Antonio Socci
to release, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
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The story of my daughter Holly, who was killed by RU486
Monty Patterson
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monty Patterson six years ago lost her own daughter who, unbeknownst to him, had gone to an abortion clinic. She was prescribed the mifepristone, or RU-486, and was given an appointment. But complications led to the death. He was 18 years. The father tells his ilsussidiario.net esperienza.L 'last day I'm Holly, Monty Patterson, for the first time I heard talk of mifepristone, or RU-486, September 17, 2003, the worst day of my vita.Mi came a call that morning, while I was at work: a nurse told me that my eighteen year old daughter, Holly, was in hospital in very serious conditions. I rushed to the hospital that was near Livermore, on the outskirts of San Francisco, Holly and where I lived. Once there, I found her in intensive care, barely conscious, too weak to talk, pale, his face swollen, and he breathed with difficulty. It was something absolutely meaningless. Holly, a beautiful blonde with blue eyes, was a fitness fanatic in perfect health. While I was next, the doctor came and said hurriedly: "We are doing everything possible for her, but could not make it. These things sometimes happen as a result of the pill. " I was completely bewildered, "What, sorry? Birth control pills? ". I asked. "No, the abortion pill." Replied the doctor. Shocked, I asked: "What are you talking about? What abortion pill? ". The doctor realized that grope in the dark completely. He explained briefly that Holly had been subjected to an "early termination of pregnancy with mifepristone administered twice (known as RU-486) \u200b\u200band misoprostol. He said he was suffering from an incomplete abortion and massive infection. His vital organs were beginning to break down and his lungs were filling with fluid. "Septic shock," I was told. Shortly after the crisis deepened. Holly conditions deteriorated rapidly, the monitors around Holly began to sound the alarm. I heard the words "Code Blue, 'and I was let out of the room. Unable to take over, a un certo punto irruppi nella stanza e spostai la tenda. Porterò quell’immagine nella mia mente per il resto della mia vita. Lo staff dell’ospedale stava lavorando freneticamente per salvare la fragile vita di Holly. Qualcuno stava premendo sul suo torace cercando di rianimarla, le venivano somministrati dei farmaci e i monitor continuavano a suonare. La linea di Holly era piatta. Tutti mi guardarono increduli e costernati. Holly era morta, appena prima delle 14:00.La morte di Holly ci lasciò tutti scioccati. Non sapevo cosa pensare a parte il fatto che c’era qualcosa di terribilmente sbagliato. Volevo scoprire cos’era successo e fare qualcosa in merito.
Gli avvenimenti In August 2003
Holly Patterson, then seventeen years old, was discovered to be pregnant after a relationship with her boyfriend of seven years older. On 10 September, shortly after his eighteenth birthday, the couple went to a clinic for birth control terminate her pregnancy for seven weeks. At the clinic administered orally to Holly 200mg of mifepristone (RU-486), which blocks the hormone progesterone, needed to maintain a pregnancy. At home, twenty-four hours later, following the instructions of the clinic, inserted into the vagina 800mcg of misoprostol to induce contractions and expel the fetus.
On September 13 he called the hotline of the birth control clinic complaining of violent cramps. She was told that signs were normal and to take the painkiller prescribed by the clinic. On 14 September, still suffering from cramps and bleeding, Holly went to the emergency room of the medical center in Pleasanton, the doctors of the center, who said abortion, sent home with an additional dose of painkillers. The pains continued. Holly was weak, vomited, and could not walk.
the early hours of the morning of September 17 Holly was readmitted to the emergency room of the medical center, where he died later that afternoon, the seventh day after beginning procedure of abortion RU-486 and date had been set a routine visit to verify that the abortion was complete. On October 31, 2003 the coroner's office in Alameda, California, issued a report which concluded that Holly Patterson died from septic shock due to endometriosis (blood infection linked to the uterus), caused by drugs used in therapy induced abortion.
My views on the RU-486
I think that my daughter had not been given adequate information or adequate support to deal with an abortion on her own. The steps under the procedure can be too superficial: the patient takes a pill, then is sent home to do the rest for themselves. There are too many things that can go wrong. RU-486 and misoprostol are a dangerous combination can be administered safely, if only because it is impossible to tell the difference between the effects of the substance considered to be normal and the possible symptoms of a serious infection. Women are told to expect bleeding and abdominal pain more than those of a normal menstrual cycle, in addition, women who have died of infection caused by the bacterium Clostridium sordellii as a result of the abortion pill have not had fever, a normal side effect for a 'infection, when said second FDA ('s Food and Drug Association, the American Association for the control of food and drugs). It therefore becomes extremely difficult for a woman tell if her symptoms go beyond the so-called "normal side effects."
women and their families should be aware that the procedure dell'RU-486 can end in tragedy. Holly, at eighteen, was legally responsible for his decision, but what happens with young girls of sixteen or even less? Anyway, even a thirty year old married woman with two children was killed five days after taking the abortion pill. Holly is perhaps not realized that he had in front of other possible alternatives and that his family would sustained during pregnancy. Parents should communicate with their daughters and ask the question that I would have put: "What would you do if you had an unplanned pregnancy, and how do you think I would react?" Make sure they know you're there for them, no matter what happens. Holly wanted to keep her secret abortion and I think he thought he would let everyone around him and he had to bear this burden alone.
what is a very sad day when a father buries his daughter are missing because the knowledge to make a conscious and informed choice, suffered in silence and finally paid with his life. Perhaps it was fear and shame that led it to decide that could take a pill and make everything disappear. I wish I had said, so I could help her. If only I had spoken, the things would be different. My struggle for the truth about the death of HollyLa fight for the truth about Holly's death has meant to me that his death was not in vain, is not over "under the carpet, did not become another statistic on the acceptable effects side in the advance of the movement in favor of abortion pharmaceuticals.
The publicity of the death of Holly was important to inform the public and raise awareness about the dangers of abortion with RU-486. Women can do choices if they have reliable information and veritiere.Si should ask questions to the pharmaceutical manufacturers of the pill and put into question the emphatic statements of their supporters that abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol is safe, effective and well tolerated by women. Even after the deaths and damage caused by these substances, producers and their supporters have said that there was no significant causal relationships between drugs and these rare cases of death. Knowing the truth about RU-486 has encouraged some parents and families to increase dialogue with their children about the real risks and dangers of abortion pharmaceuticals. If there is a possibility, the choices facing a pregnant Junk should first be discussed at home with family support. Parents prefer that their children abstain from sex, and so do some, but we must accept that in reality many do not. The damage and deaths pharmaceutical abortion can not be ignored, especially at the legislative level and this has forced the end of the pill manufacturers and FDA to review the statements on the safety of RU-486, by inserting two warnings in the labeling of the pill the potential infection and the risk of death. This is a beginning, but not enough. This pill has pharmacological properties that can seriously damage or alter the immune system of a woman, preparing a infezioni gravi e persino fatali. Quante donne devono morire prima che questa pillola sia tolta dal mercato?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
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Lo statuto biologico e ontologico dell’embrione
ROMA, lunedì, 4 febbraio 2008 ( ZENIT.org ).- Pubblichiamo di seguito per la rubrica di Bioetica l'intervento del dottor Renzo Puccetti, Specialista in Medicina Interna e Segretario del Comitato “Scienza & Vita” di Pisa-Livorno.
* * *
Salve, complimenti per la vostra ottima rubrica scientifica e culturale. Sono a professor of religion, but right now I'm doing an internship to get an authorization in history and philosophy (I graduated in philosophy), and as I will have to address the issue if the embryo is an individual / person in the context of 'epistemology who are studying at school (a high school), I wanted to have a scientific-biological explanations to justify the absolute prohibition of manipulating the sanctity of life. Thanks and see you soon. LP
I thank the reader for an application that allows you to provide any relevant information to frame the question of the embryo. The terms in which the question is posed, beyond the intentions of the writer, are likely to repeat a fallacy: first determine what is the action to be taken and then find the reasons for it. The question concerning the biological status of the embryo and ontological challenges those who draw near to ultimate measure with the truth of the embryo. In the medical-scientific privileged and generally fought to get to the truth is that Thomistic correspondista (adequatio rei et intellectus). It is a policy which recognizes things in the presence of an objective truth that is understandable by human reason, which, in turn, is shaped so as to be open to it and accept it.
Of course, sometimes in the medical field is also used a pragmatic criterion that identifies as true what works, but in this case the search for a more complete knowledge of the truth is always in the background as the ultimate aspiration. Specifically, there seems to be defined as a prior ontological status of the embryo, that embryo understood as to understand the nature and essence and should assess the moral behavior directed toward him. As noted Professor Pessina, use the word "person" in reference to the embryo leads to very often a complication of the debate, as the term person has taken in common language, in addition to the original descriptive meaning, also a connotation of values. For this reason it is easier to submit to verify the following hypothesis: the embryo from the moment of fertilization is a living human individual?
Within forensic DNA analysis is used as a conclusive criterion to identify the individual author or the victim of a particular crime, or parenting a child, for the identification of the individual. The moment of syngamy, ie, membrane fusion of two gametes, is the time where it is possible to identify a novel gene diploid, that is not traceable to that of any other being on earth. Before karyogamy (fusion of gametes of parental gene pools), this heritage has not yet rearranged into a structure identificabile anatomicamente, ma lo è già in termini funzionali. I DNA materno e paterno attivati, benché non ancora uniti fisicamente, colloquiano (1) e operano in maniera coordinata guidando il processo di avvicinamento dei pronuclei genitoriali e la formazione del fuso mitotico, prodromico alla prima divisione cellulare (2). Ulteriori conferme giungono dagli studi che hanno mostrato come gli assi embrionali sono definiti già nei minuti ed ore che seguono la singamia (3) e non, come precedentemente ritenuto, al momento della stria primitiva, elemento questo che induceva qualcuno a pensare l’embrione nei primi 14 giorni come ad un grumo di cellule.
In base alle evidenze più recenti, la posizione del secondo globulo polare, il punto di entrata dello spermatozoo e la forma dell’ovocita sono in grado d’influenzare l’asse della prima divisione cellulare che, a sua volta, determina il destino delle cellule figlie in cellule progenitrici dell’embrione e cellule progenitrici dei tessuti non embrionali (3). Una delle argomentazioni impiegate per porre in discussione in maniera alquanto surrettizia la dignità dell’embrione è quella secondo cui l’embrione non sarebbe in grado di entrare in relazione con la madre, almeno fino alla fase dell’impianto nella parete endometriale. Si tratta di un’argomentazione difficilmente sostenibile.
Dal punto di vista biologico la fase pre-impiantatoria si caratterizza per un intenso colloquio biochimico maternal fetal (crosstalk), which assists the production of embryonic factors (Early Pregnancy Factor, Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, Perimplantation Factor) in which the mother responds with anatomical and functional changes and providing energy substrates through the tubal fluids that support anaerobic metabolism of 'in the pre-implantation embryo. Furthermore, the genomic imprinting (epigenetic inactivation of one allele of a gene underlying the phenomenon monoallelica expression) is able to influence both the maternal fetal relationship behaviors and attitudes post-natal (sucking, thermoregulation, pubertal development) (4).
These considerations can also add comments derived in particular by Dr. Diana Bianchi has shown the presence of a true "mobile traffic" in which cells derived from embryonic stem cells are placed in various organs of the mother and will persist for decades even restorative function (5, 6, 7 ). Thus it is not unreasonable, the sentence of an editorial in the British Medical Journal: "The embryo is not passive but an active orchestrator of its plant and its destiny" (8). To capture these considerations in view of the reality of the static specific aspects you can add a look that captures the dynamism verifies the embryonic nature. Because the observation of nature tumorale di poche cellule in un preparato citologico è universalmente accettato che la condotta clinica si disponga considerando cosa sarà di quelle cellule una volta progredite nel loro ciclo vitale, mentre dovrebbe essere illogico affermare la natura d’individuo umano mortale dell’embrione dalla sua osservazione al microscopio e soprattutto non agire pensando a come sarà una volta che abbia completato il suo sviluppo? Paradossalmente è possibile imbattersi in esimi studiosi che pretendono di mantenere separati il piano scientifico da quello etico introducendo nel discorso scientifico considerazioni ad esso assolutamente estranee.
Affermare che lo zigote (embrione unicellulare) e la morula (stadio embrionale di otto cellule) siano «progetti of the individual "(9) destined to die because a high percentage or twinship is a potential for non-logical sense. The embryo is already individual shares with a destiny of any living individual mortality, spontaneous or provoked. Then perhaps we should say that those condemned to death, the soldiers in the trenches and all those about to die because people are not used in a high percentage of imminent death? Did the twins still get two people, instead of two individuals do not? It also seems reasonable not to deny the identity of individual sheep to the sheep that provided the somatic cell from which Dolly was derived on the basis of the potential cloned. A volta riconosciuto quindi che «dal punto di vista biologico non c’è in sostanza nessuna discontinuità dal concepimento alla nascita» (9) l’ipotesi di «porre degli spartiacque» sulla base di «una convenzione» (9) modificabile non è innocente, ma introduce nel percorso conoscitivo un’evidente volontà manipolativa, in cui la realtà dell’altro (in questo caso dell’embrione) è funzione dell’utile che ne può derivare. Concetto pericoloso, anzi pericolosissimo quello di stabilire per convenzione quando l’altro sia intangibile, una volta comunque accertata la sua natura di individuo umano vivente. È stato fatto in passato e quando la memoria non si era ancora dissolved the doctors had sworn that they would not have done anymore. But those doctors are now dead, other generations have followed the law and the fall of civilization described by Solon seems to want to continue to draw its trajectory. Determined that since the embryo after fertilization is a human individual living raises the moral question: "All individuals are entitled to living humans that their life is respected?".
We believe that we can only answer in the affirmative, as the primary good of human life and a necessary condition for the enjoyment of secondary assets. The very concept of self-defense is not an exception to the principle of inviolability of human life, since does not indicate the killing self-defense, but the killing in defense (10). Every time we introduce the minimum opening between the biological concept of living human individual and the moral person, without realizing it, even with the noblest intentions, we open the door to the demon of arbitrariness. This is a very real threat that the man to defend themselves from lions builds a stick by sawing off the branch on which he sits protected from the beasts. Romano Guardini writes in 1949: "Actions ethically wrong, even if they seem useful, in the end lead to ruin. Lying can bring a benefit, ten, a hundred times, in the end it crushes upon which the life in his own inner life than the di se stessi, nel rapporto con gli altri la fiducia» (11).
Si tratta di una prospettiva consonante con quella proposta trent’anni più tardi dal filosofo ebreo tedesco Hans Jonas, fuggito dalla dittatura nazista la cui madre fu tra le vittime di Auschwitz: «Si dovranno apprendere nuovamente il rispetto e l’orrore per tutelarci dagli sbandamenti del nostro potere. Soltanto il rispetto, rivelandoci “qualcosa di sacro”, cioè d’inviolabile in qualsiasi circostanza ci preserverà anche dal profanare il presente in vista del futuro, dal voler comprare quest’ultimo al prezzo del primo. Un’eredità degradata coinvolgerebbe nel degrado anche gli eredi. Conservare intatta quell’eredità through the perils of the times, indeed, against the act of man, not a utopian view, but the end, not so modest, the responsibility for the future of man "(12).
1. Ostermeier GC, Miller D, Huntriss JD, Diamond MP, Krawetz SA. Reproductive biology: delivering spermatozoan RNA to the oocyte. Nature. 2004 May 13, 429 (6988): 154.
2. Pontifical Academy for Life. The human preimplantation embryo in the ITS phase. Scientific Aspects and bioethical considerations. http://www.academiavita.org/english/Documenti/testo/embrio/vol_embr_ingl.pdf
3. H. Pearson Your destiny, from day one. Nature. 2002 Jul 4; 418 (6893) :14-5.
4. Isles AR, Holland AJ. Imprinted genes and mother—offspring interactions. Early Human Development (2005) 81, 73-77.
5. Bianchi DW, Fisk NM. Fetomaternal cell trafficking and the stem cell debate: gender matters. JAMA. 2007; 297(13):1489-91.
6. Bianchi DW, Romero R. Biological implications of bi-directional fetomaternal cell traffic: a summary of a National Institute of Child Health and Human Development-sponsored conference. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2003 Aug;14(2):123-9.
7. Johnson KL, Bianchi DW. Fetal cells in maternal tissue following pregnancy: what are the consequences? Hum Reprod Update. 2004 Nov-Dec;10(6):497-502.
8. Horne AW, White JO, Lalani EN. The endometrium and embryo implantation. A receptive endometrium depends on hormonal Influences More Than. BMJ. 25 November 2000, 321 (7272) :1301-2.
9. Edoardo Boncinelli. Embryos. There is no time X. Corriere della Sera, 26.01.2005. http://www.puntoincontro.org/Animazione/Incontri2005/05-Boncinelli1.htm
10. St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, q.64, a. 7.
11. Romano Guardini. The right to life before birth. And Morcelliana, Brescia, 2005.
12. Hans Jonas. The principle of responsibility. Einaudi, Torino, 1990.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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My hope for Catherine
Oct 06 2009 3:10 AM PDT
Tomorrow we will bring Catherine in another hospital to begin the phase of awakening (after the very good doctors in Florence saved her life). We have great confidence that the doctors also rely. But the time is more delicate and much, we really need the help of Lady Catherine wakes up and it's okay.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love, your prayers and your constant moving offers sacrifices, I will be liable for a lifetime. Carry
below what I wrote in Mauritius Belpietro, Director of the Free, the newspaper I work on these days that lie ahead.
Dear Editor, Catherine
my beautiful eyes. His youth is now lying on a bed of light and pain. It 's like a Sleeping Beauty. But crucified. I find myself inadvertently "sent" in the regions of extreme suffering and painful in this scenario - if an angel would like to lead the anxiety - there are several things that I think I begin to understand.
The first news is that my heart beats. Our hearts still beating. I know that normally it is not news. Not even considering. Until that happens to your daughter, radiant in its 24 years of life, on the eve of the degree in which he studied architecture for five years, suddenly one night his heart si ferma e senza alcuna ragione. Si ferma di colpo (o, come dicono, va in fibrillazione).
Lì, quando ti si spalanca davanti quell’abisso improvviso che ti fa urlare uno sconfinato “nooooo!!!”, cominci a capire: è la cosa meno scontata del mondo che in questo preciso istante il cuore dei tuoi bimbi, il mio cuore o il tuo, amico lettore, batta.
Quante volte ho sentito don Giussani stupirci con questa evidenza: che nessuno fa battere volontariamente il proprio cuore. E’ come un dono che si riceve di continuo, senza accorgersi. Istante per istante dipendiamo da Qualcun Altro che ci dà vita…
C’illudiamo di possedere mille cose e di essere chissacchì, ma così clamorosamente non possediamo noi stessi. Un Altro ci fa. In ogni attimo. Vengono le vertigini a pensarci. Allora si può solo mendicare, come poveri che non hanno nulla, neanche se stessi, un altro battito e un altro respiro ancora dal Signore della vita (“Gesù nostro respiro”, diceva una grande santo).
Certo, si ricorre a tutti i mezzi umani e a tutte le cure mediche. Che oggi sono eccezionali e personalmente devo ringraziare degli ottimi medici, competenti e umani. Ma anch’essi sanno di avere poteri limitati, non possono arrivare all’impossibile, non potrebbero nulla se non fosse concesso dall’alto e poi se non fossero “illuminati” e guidati.
Rex tremendae majestatis… E’ Lui il padrone and the source of life and everything that is. And our children and our daughters are his. And 'their father dearly. Then - with all our pretensions annihilated soul torn - you discover all the poor to beg his life from "the one who answers prayers ...."
begged to get back a smile to my daughter, a look, a word ... Suddenly, what seemed the most obvious and the world appears to you as the most valuable and almost an impossible dream ... I am ready to give everything, all I have, everything I know and who are, I would give their lives for that treasure.
We always rush for a thousand causes, goals, ambitions that we seem so important to us to neglect their children. But now how does it all without any value to the comparison of the look of a daughter, to his youth in full bloom ...
A great gift God has done to people by making them fathers and mothers: so everyone can experience it means to love another creature more than themselves. And so we have a faint idea of \u200b\u200bhis love and his compassion for us ...
Catherine is his favorite, as all those who suffer. I recall the words of the English song sung beautifully by my princess and dedicated to Our Lady, "Ojos de cielo", which says: "Eyes of Heaven, Heaven's eyes / do not leave in mid-flight."
Riascolto il suo canto, con il nodo alla gola, come la sua preghiera: “Se guardo il fondo dei tuoi occhi teneri/ mi si cancella il mondo con tutto il suo inferno./ Mi si cancella il mondo e scopro il cielo/ quando mi tuffo nei tuoi occhi teneri./ Occhi di cielo, occhi di cielo,/ non abbandonarmi in pieno volo./ Occhi di cielo, occhi di cielo,/ tutta la mia vita per questo sogno…/ Se io mi dimenticassi di ciò che è vero/ se io mi allontanassi da ciò che è sincero/ i tuoi occhi di cielo me lo ricorderebbero,/ se io mi allontanassi dal vero./ Occhi di cielo..”.
E infine quell’ultima strofa che oggi suona come un presagio: “Se il sole che mi illumina un giorno si spegnesse/ dark night and a win on my life, / your eyes of sky lights me / your honest eyes, which are walking and driving for me. / Eyes of the sky .... "
E 'with this sure hope that soon I entrusted my treasure and its healing in the hands of his loving Mother of Heaven. For words, clear and timeless of Jesus encourage us, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened", promising "whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you" and urged to implore tirelessly as the importunate widow of the Gospel (which - if only because of his insistence - will be answered). We
that the Queen of Heaven is with us ready to open up the doors of the vaults of thanks. She 's in fact, the refuge of the afflicted, and our wonderful advocate who can get all the Son. The very first miracle at Cana, he was softly "stolen" from her that he had pity on those poor people ...
These days I remembered the pages of Monfort and those of s. Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori, "The Glories of Mary." It 'amazing how two thousand years of holy men and women invite us to be certain of the relief of the Madonna because "he never heard that someone had recourse to your protection, implored your help has, has been looking for your help and has been abandoned " (S. Bernardo).
“Ogni bene, ogni aiuto, ogni grazia che gli uomini hanno ricevuto e riceveranno da Dio sino alla fine del mondo, tutto è venuto e verrà loro per intercessione e per mezzo di Maria” (s. Alfonso), perché così Dio ha voluto.
Infatti “nelle afflizioni tu consoli” chi in te confida, “nei pericoli tu soccorri” chi ti chiama: tu “speranza dei disperati e soccorso degli abbandonati”. Misero me se non la riconoscessi come Madre, convertendomi (questo significa: “sia fatta la tua volontà”) e lasciandomi guarire nell’anima. Per ottenere anche la guarigione del corpo.
Ma quanto è commovente accorgersi di avere una simile Mother feels when actually its protective mantle made by many brothers and sisters in faith, willing to help, by the Young Friends of Catherine, bright beautiful faces that share the Christian experience aroused by Giussani, from the many friends of parishes, communities, from the many cloistered convents and shrines - including radio and internet - where these days it begs the Virgin for Catherine. As no compassion?
I also received dozens of emails from people away from faith, for the emotion of the story of my daughter, have returned to pray, they move closer to the sacraments after year. And they understood to have a good Mother that you can pray and that does not disappoint. But it is especially
I want to speak of my conversion. We asked a total detachment from everything that is not the case and does not last. Because only God does not pass. That is, the love remains.
So when I learned about 4 000 children suffering from a leper colony in India, by the missionaries (men of God's beautiful and huge), they prayed for the healing of Catherine, after the excitement I realized that these children now belong me, my life and my family.
So did the poor taken care of the dying father Aldo Trento in Paraguay who have offered their sufferings for Catherine. I want to help as I can.
bringing all the pain of the world under the mantle of the Mother of God, I entrust to her the healing of Catherine, because return to sing "Ojos de cielo" for all the poor of our Queen.
"My Lady, you're the only consolation that God has given me the guidance of my pilgrimage, the strength of my weakness, the richness of my misery, the healing of my wounds, relieve my pain, the release of my chains, the hope of my salvation, answered my prayers, have pity on my sighs, thou that art my queen, the refuge and help, life, hope and my strength "(St. Germain).
Antonio Socci
Source: Free (c) October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
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"The real danger of our age is the loss of zest for life "(Teilhard de Chardin)
The manifesto of Communion and Liberation Spain
Will I be happy with an unexpected child? Can I start a new life with a child that I did not want? Will I be able to address the sacrifice and the difficulties that that entails? These are questions that many women ask themselves facing an unwanted pregnancy.
Often the woman is one of the questions that arise with their new life. Our tragedy is loneliness, because it is difficult to find someone willing to give us a minute of real human companionship in the face of difficult circumstances we face. But our loneliness is even more profound because it derives from the absence of meaning. Giving birth means getting in life, and for that you need a reason. As stated by Teilhard de Chardin: "The real danger of our age is the loss of zest for life" (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man). The loss of the meaning of life is the cause of the tragedy of abortion in our social società.Il Bill of the Government of Spain is an example of this tragedy. In the name of "woman's right to decide" you leave it in a tragic loneliness. This led to the grotesque idea of \u200b\u200ba sixteen year old girl away from her son's father and the company his parents when they must make a decision that will mark his whole life. This loneliness is a wall, a lie that can only be dismantled through a company very umana.2. The draft law on abortion of the President Rodríguez Zapatero's main objective is to "create" a new law. Abortion is just the opposite. You deprive of life an unborn child. As claimed by the English bishops in their statement on the bill: "The State shall grant the status of a right to something that is actually an attack on the fundamental right to life", because nobody gives us life, but it comes from Mystery. In this will dig a deep wound in human and social development. With this law, moreover, political power is to foster a change of mentality in order to hide vital evidence of our civilization: every human life must be protected unconditionally. This claim is quite clear with absolute contempt towards people with disabilities, which would unfairly denied the right to be born until the last minute.
To speak of abortion as a right is necessary to alter brutally data of reason and science, published with absolute clarity in the Madrid Declaration, a document endorsed by prominent doctors and scientists of our country. With these words, Pier Paolo Pasolini denounced such alteration, referring to the defenders of the legalization of abortion in Italy: "They resort to the cynical abuse of the facts and common sense" (Pier Paolo Pasolini, "Sexual intercourse, abortion, the false tolerance of power, conformity progressives, "in Scritti pirates, Garzanti, Milano 1975, p. 372).
The Government would not dare take such a political initiative in the company if you were not a widespread mentality which, thanks to constant media pressure, it is increasingly alienated from reality. How is it that some people accept abortion as a law contrary to the evidence, with science, con la ragione e con la stessa sensibilità umana? È il risultato di una manipolazione e di un vuoto educativo. È perciò necessario ingaggiare una battaglia contro la concezione di una libertà senza vincoli, senza riferimento alla verità e senza contatto con la realtà. Si tratta di una battaglia politica, culturale ed educativa per creare nella nostra società, come ha chiesto Benedetto XVI, «un clima di gioia e di fiducia nella vita» (Viaggio apostolico di Benedetto XVI in Austria, Discorso in occasione dell’incontro con le autorità e con il corpo diplomatico, sala dei ricevimenti, Hofburg, Vienna, 7 settembre 2007).
Questa cultura della vita può rinascere se si mettono davanti agli occhi di of all significant events. Facts that constitute, in the first place, a real company for mothers in need. The number of services are already born by the free initiative of citizens, such as aid and accompaniment to women, and acceptance of those children whose mothers can not bear them. There is need for policies decided in favor of the family, maternity and adoption: measures that should create a social environment that encourages recognition of the infinite value of human life.
To restore faith in life and, therefore, the ability to accept and respect it at the same time they are born, we need to meet with an unconditional love, love someone who embraces our life with all its questions.
Recognize that there is a good thing that vanquishes all alone and all violence is possible only through meeting with people who bear witness with their lives. People who are the echo of the man from Nazareth who was able to accompany the loneliness of a young mother and her son return with these words: "Woman, do not cry."
Communion and Liberation Spain
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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"O you who are immersed in the vicissitudes of life, and more than walking on solid ground, you have the impression of being tossed between storms and hurricanes: if you do not end up engulfed by ' rage dei flutti, non distogliere Io sguardo dal chiarore di questa stella!
Se insorgono i venti delle tentazioni, se t’imbatti negli scogli delle tribolazioni, guarda la stella, invoca Maria !
Se vieni assalito dalle onde della superbia, dell’ambizione, della calunnia, dell’invidia, della gelosia: guarda la stella, invoca Maria . Se l’ira, l’avarizia o le lusinghe della carne scuotono la navicella della tua anima: guarda la stella, invoca Maria .
Se turbato dall’enormità dei tuoi peccati, confuso per le brutture della tua coscienza, Awed by the rigor of the review you are about to be sucked from the brink of the abyss of despair and sadness, see the star, invoke Mary .
In dangers, in difficulties and in times of uncertainty, see the star, invoke Mary . Have his name always on the lips, abbila always in my heart and if you want to get the help of his prayer, remember to imitate their example.
Following you will not get you off the road, begging her not to despair, thinking she will not go wrong.
If she says you will not fall if she protects you will not have nothing to fear if she guides you will not tire, se ti sarà favorevole giungerai alla mèta e così potrai sperimentare tu stesso quanto giustamente sia stato detto: ‘e il nome della vergine era Maria’ “.
San Bernardo
Saturday, September 26, 2009
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Jesu! Rex admirabilis et triumphator nobilis, dulcedo ineffabilis, totus desiderabilis. Jesu, dulcedo cordium, fons vivus, lumen mentium, excedens omne gaudium et omne desiderium. Mane nobiscum Domine, et nos shows lumine, beats gloom mindset, mundum repl dulcedinem GP da Palestrina | | O Jesus! Re admirable, noble conqueror, ineffable sweetness, everything to love. Jesus, sweet hearts, living source, light of mind that goes beyond all joy and all desire. Stay with us Lord, enlighten, dispels the fog of the mind, fill the world with sweetness |
Friday, September 25, 2009
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Marija from Catherine the Queen of Heaven
Today, in the early afternoon, Catherine should have a degree in Architecture. He had spent all summer on the thesis .... But is not the time of yearning. We are like soldiers in battle and you have to be present instant, without nostalgia.
We have to fight with and for Catherine. As you are doing: yesterday was clear. He has made other "small" steps that are actually large scale, like the fact that breathe alone ...
Yesterday was the feast of Padre Pio: I asked the Father a gift for Catherine. It has come a great and unimaginable: the visit of the Queen of Heaven. Yes, I am sure that Our Lady is always there with her, but yesterday in a special way those "ojos de cielo" Catherine sings with such passion (you've heard), they tenderly embraced ...
In short: in the morning Marija Pavlovic calls me (one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje), our great friend who had been praying for days Catherine, and tells me that - for a variety of circumstances - can come to Florence and would like to visit the very hour Cate the daily appearance.
E 'come, we attended the Mass and then went to my daughter with my wife, while we, with our friends from Cate, recited the rosary out. Our Lady came, he was on top of the bed, behind the head of Catherine. He has blessed and blessed and Alessandra Maria who asked the miracle of healing for Catherine.
Our Lady heard and began to pray. We made it clear with his gestures that one should rely totally on you and pray again. And we continue tirelessly ...
We have taught the saints. San Francesco di Paola said: "It 'sure thing that you say everything you ask for in prayer you know that it's already yours because it must be done at the behest of the Madonna. "
And mystic Maria Valtorta - which among other things, is buried right at SS Annunziata in Florence - it was said: "I tell you, you have a boundless faith in the Lord. Keep it in spite of all lodging and every event, and you will see great things when your heart will no longer have reason to hope to see them .... "
I think we're doing these days understand a lot of precious things. First, that the real disease is that of us healthy when we are far from God, Jesus needed someone to help him take on himself the evil of men. Per sanarli.
Noi cristiani che siamo parte del Suo Corpo, offrendoGli le nostre sofferenze e le nostre vite lo aiutiamo in questo. Io sono pieno di stupore e commozione per le tante persone che mi hanno scritto che offrono le sofferenze delle loro diverse prove e malattie… E’ stupore e commozione per l’abbraccio del popolo cristiano…
Una mail che ho ricevuto dice:
“Caterina senza fare nulla muove il mondo. Tutto quello che ci comunichi è un grande miracolo che accade davanti ai nostri occhi. Gesù è qui ora e possiamo vedere la Sua Gloria attraverso la fede del suo popolo. Caterina è i nostri figli e tu e Alessandra siete noi. Continuiamo a Pregare Maria perché Gesù heal your and our Catherine. A big hug. AT ". I also think that I
through silent suffering of Catherine, who moved so many hearts, Queen of Heaven is healing many people and I am sure, with the help of our prayers and our fasts, is doing great things. Catherine also heal, making it wake up from a coma and making it go back to singing the beauty of God
Among the thousands (literally) of emails that I receive and when I try to answer as I can, I will transcribe one, a mother, who says all these things:
Dear family that are suffering in a manner so similar to mine, in a deep coma for two weeks of my little Elena, an entire city, he prayed for her. Friends and acquaintances, people far from God and unbelievers were kneeling in the many night vigils held for my child. They tore a promise to God that you are now doing.
We in the recovery room, we have continually asked Elena about her praying aloud, singing songs of Sunday Mass to her, though small, had heard, so making them listen to Mozart.
A sleeping brain is aroused! I told her everything we had done together and I described all the good things that we did it again and all the wonders of creation that would have seen his eyes when cured.
woke up. In spite of his serious condition defined. The Lord listens to us. Even Catherine you are feeling like my little girl. The most serious dilated cardiomyopathy, of viral origin and still unexplained, it was resolved and the little heart beating Elena without help.
Courage, do not think about tomorrow, you live your day to day battle and the Lord will give strength and peace just like us.
continue to pray for Catherine.
These are beautiful examples that are giving me and what I write here because I think it will be useful for many. While I embrace you all and thank you for everything you do.
Many have been touched in listening to "Ojos de cielo" with the chorus sung by Catherine Fone, of the University of CL. In the coming days I will try to blog here in their other songs. I hope to hear his voice and that of his friends is a small thank you for your prayers and your fast offerings. But I am certain that the greatest reward will come from the sky ...
Antonio Socci
the blog antoniosocci.com
Thursday, September 17, 2009
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by Antonio Socci's blog
17 settembre 2009 / In Articoli
Amici carissimi,
mi arrivano centinaia di mail ogni giorno a cui, come potrete capire, faccio fatica a rispondere, travolti come siamo dalla vicenda della nostra dolce Principessa. Posso aprire la posta solo raramente e a notte fonda.
Quindi mi scuso con tutti coloro a cui non potrò rispondere e soprattutto ringrazio dal profondo del cuore per le tantissime preghiere che un popolo intero, in Italia e nel mondo , nei posti più lontani, in queste ore sta alzando al Cielo. E’ un popolo bellissimo e davvero commovente.
Ne abbiamo immenso bisogno perché in queste ore Caterina è stabile, sul piano fisico generale, ma in una situazione drammatica e delicatissima dal punto di vista neurologico.
Dobbiamo pregare ardentemente perché riesca a svegliarsi e possa tornare fra noi senza avere gravi danni cerebrali. Vi imploro ancora di pregare con noi per questo, convinto che si debba fare come si ha insegnato la Madonna a Cana, lei che per prima “vinse” la volontà di suo Figlio, “forzandolo” a soccorrere quella povera gente.
A Rue du Bac, rispondendo a santa Caterina Labouré su alcuni anelli alle sue mani che non emettevano raggi spiegò: sono le tante grazie che mio Figlio è pronto a concedervi, ma che voi non chiedete. In un’altra appearance repeated: "The heart of my son leaves move."
I assure you that the show of faith and love they are giving me at this time of Catherine's friends, always there for her in prayer, and many of you, your contutte testimonies to the love you have for my daughter also without ever having incotrata, even moved me I'm bad, so it is sure that Jesus is the Good move you.
Furthermore he taught us to ask persistently, tirelessly never, never lose faith because - he says in a passage from the Gospel, speaking of "importunate woman" - if only for its emphasis will be accontentata. E dice anche che “Il regno dei Cieli appartiene ai violenti” che ne saccheggiano i tesori: ecco noi vogliamo farGli questa dolce violenza con le nostre lacrime e le nostre preghiere, accompagnati da tutti i santi che abbiamo avuto anche la grazia di avere come amici sulla terra.
Poi, un giorno, quando potrò, racconterò quante persone che si dicono atee o agnostiche, per tenerezza verso Caterina, in queste ore, hanno ricominciato a pregare. Ma siamo anzitutto noi, io, Alessandra, i nostri amici che in queste ore ci stiamo convertendo. Ed è una conversione veramente definitiva E per questo ancor più insistentemente chiediamo al Signore la consolazione della guarigione di Caterina.
Amici dear, I implore you to continue with us in prayer for those still there is already changing and we understand - it is the Lord that enlightens us as well - how much we depend entirely on His grace. Totally.
I embrace you one by one
Antonio Socci
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
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For some time the German army and that of liberation, they got hot steel dispatched on a long borders, line that ran through the Romagna and in those days, the deadly letters, they also doggedly to fall on the city of Forlì and the case, the countryside and neighboring countries. Even
quella mattina di metà ottobre del 1944 e come accadeva sempre all’improvviso, nell’intenso agreste silenzio, cannoni e mortai avevano ripreso a lanciare nelle invisibili, ma calcolate parabole, i loro mortali saluti ai dovuti indirizzi.
Chissà per quale nascosta strategia era successo, ma proprio il paese di S. Tomè, un raccolto di case coloniche distribuite sui campi, si era trovato a fare da bersaglio a un copioso e insolito tiro d’artiglieria. In pochissimo tempo, gli abitanti e gli sfollati ospitati, erano fuggiti dalle case cercando e trovando un immaginario rifugio nei campi, dentro ai fossi, nelle stalle, nel fondo di buie cantine, calandosi dentro ai pozzi dell’acqua.
Tra quegli sfollati c’erano also my future parents, twenty-three Rino and Rose Farinelli Manbelli with his twenty years, and one that I found as a brother, Gaetano, born three years earlier. They had also fled the city because they remained homeless, destroyed under a heavy bombardment. In the nearby countryside, a peasant family (the oldest of them was called "Angiuli"), she had welcomed and hosted in return they could make in the work of the house and fields.
In that time they were behind the house intent on stacking the wood for the winter, but soon felt the rain of grenades, were caught on the fly Gaetano and fled into the yard, after having crossed were rushed into the barn.
There, near the end of the room and space for a pantry and barn, there was still space for people and having notched the cows, the wheelbarrow and moved some equipment, were sunk between the straw, lay the narrow ' one another.
With each explosion nearby, everything shook and cracked, the sudden displacement of air compressing the stomach, chest, ears of humans and animals. In response to the crash site and soon after, he rose the murmur of prayers or chewing mouths brutal, desperate curses, while the higher tone in the air floated the screams of frightened children and the cows mooing.
There, huddled in the corner and spent a few minutes to whisper words of encouragement, their bodies so close they had begun to be transmitted not only courage, but also emotion and warmth, and mother Rosa, the first incredulous, then conscious and troubled, had After pressing against him and insisted not only the body of Father Rino excited, but also his throbbing sex and stony that knock to the thigh.
For a couple of minutes and had confided in vain for a silent retreat of the natural warrior pounding, then picked up the distress and much courage, in a long whisper she said pressing her husband's ear:
-Are you crazy? With what we're raining on me ... we can not do so, there is a child, there are people coming and going, are stiff with fear that we jump in the air ... all have our feet in the muck and you make me feel your cravings! - Reported
to reality for a few seconds Father Rino had ceased to expect and was away from the body that had turned on.
Probably, however, become too excited, was not successful in delaying boarding and again, a sudden storm had blown up the defenses of mother Rosa, who after a brief physical endurance and no other valid arguments, unarmed, had pushed to the side Gary, then prepared and accepted that sex was in a hurry, bearing, distracted hug.
At the same time as Father Rino was preparing to stop sexual intercourse, and ejaculate as he usually did in the straw, the grenade exploded inches away from the barn, everything and everyone was staggered, and then he unleashed pandemonium.
The first door opened in front of the pantry had been torn off its hinges and was flown in pieces inside the room and all around. A large splinter of wood that was over there, against a lot of grain and seeds was broken, loose from the tight embrace of jute, had fallen to just fall back to Father Rino believing that a collapse of the ceiling, had contracted the kidneys and hugged his beloved to protect it. That further
e forzata manifestazione di ardore, gli aveva impedito di compiere la dovuta e previdente manovra di distacco, al contrario, l’abbraccio ne aveva facilitato un’altra, e permesso il deposito del seme ove era naturalmente destinato.
Indifferenti del trambusto generale, per un paio di minuti erano rimasti così, audacemente allacciati e felici per lo scampato pericolo, poi sommessamente e a lungo avevano riso per l’imprevista ed esplosiva volontà del caso, che li aveva obbligati ad una involontaria e temuta semina.
L’anno dopo, nel mese di luglio, da quella seminagione nascevo io, inconsapevole scheggia umana finita tra le braccia e sul cammino di una giovane coppia, preda di tragici eventi e di irrinunciabili istinti.
Whenever dusts off his mind I know that episode from childhood, I stop to think about the strange alchemy that strict but led me to the earth. Around and moving items around that singular event, which took a man and his woman involved in a bombing and that he, oddly, was caught in a relentless sexual arousal.
I am disturbed by this timely burst of shrapnel, and I hit the same piece of wood, ripping the sack of wheat, as precise triggering mechanisms, able to nail down where my dad was penetrated, so that I could become.
Yes, I must confess that in those moments of imaginary projection, I find myself thinking that the incident non può essere addebitato solo al concerto di svariati casi, ma probabilmente anche a una arcana e lontana volontà. Leo Farinelli
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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Monday, July 20, 2009
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Monday, July 6, 2009
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The gust that lifted the bitter
aroma of the sea to the spirals of the valleys, and
t'investì, I ruffled his hair,
tangle short against the pale sky;
t'incollò that the burst as the
and will fast-track in his image, as
session, you away, these stones
Mount the chasm that juts;
and off as the fury briaca
now finds the garden the soft breath
you rocked, lying in the hammock,
among the trees, it ' you fly without wings.
Alas, never twice configure
time in the same way the grains! And escape
is something which, if happens, together with the nature
our fairy tale will burn in a flash.
gushes that s'addoppia, - and now shows up
a group of villages that lie
the look on the side of a sloping
you parry of ruffles and palvesi.
The world exists ... A surprise stop
the heart that gives nightmares to stray,
messengers of evening:
and does not believe that men have a party hungry.
Eugenio Montale (1926)