Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
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the dark after the Dalai Lama
The announcement of the Dalai Lama on his possible withdrawal "retired" within six months is accompanied by two other noisy activities: the leader Buddhist has left open the possibility of being the last Dalai Lama, the last charge that is to combine the religious and the head of the Tibetan government in exile. He also suggested, however, that after him that role could be up to a woman. This leaves open the possibility that the games will make for a successor while he is still alive. A scenario that is viewed with hostility from China.
The output now is the anchor of a strategy that the Tibetan leader began to unravel three years ago, in November 2007. Even then, indicates that the next Dalai Lama could be appointed and the current spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists is still alive, breaking the old tradition, which establishes the choice of his successor after his death. He said during a visit to Japan, almost illegal because the representatives of the Tokyo government refused to accept it and even give him an escort, not to provoke the anger of the Chinese government.
Ripping announced over the ancient religious customs is a sign of extreme tension on the succession. The leaders of the Republic People are convinced that the time games in their favor, they planned the final solution to the problem of Tibet: Dalai Lama will impose the death of a leader of their choice to shut permanently every aspiration of religious autonomy.
Since 1959, when the Dalai Lama fled his homeland occupied by the Chinese army and found asylum in the Indian city of Dharmsala, the charismatic exile has always been a thorn in the side of the communist nomenklatura and an obstacle to the "normalization".
Now the Chinese regime is betting everything on his death. The last law passed in Beijing by the State Religious Affairs, known as Order No. 5, entitled "Administrative Measures for the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas in Tibet." The Chinese government will retain the last word in this field, so that the next Buddhist leader is a docile puppet in his hands.
"The people of Tibet - the Dalai Lama said in an interview with Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun - would not recognize a successor selected by China after my death. If Tibetans want to keep the Dalai Lama system, one possibility is to appoint the next while I'm still alive. Among the options being discussed is a selection made from the most respected Democratic monks of Tibetan Buddhism, or an appointment made by me. "
deforestation and degradation of the delicate ecosystem in the Himalayan region.
Beijing has already provided a glimpse of the methods that can be used to lock down the sequence. In 1995 the Dalai Lama chose a 6 year old boy, Gendun Choekyi Nyima, to become the eleventh Panchen Lama, the second most revered spiritual figure from the Tibetan Buddhists. The child and his family were made to disappear and never been heard about them. The Government of the People's Republic maintains them in a secret place to "protect". Meanwhile, the communist authorities have designated another Panchen Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu, from which a claim to absolute loyalty to China. Written
Monday, November 22, 2010 at 19:18 in the category China policy, Tibet, human rights , religion.
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When you saw only once
the splendor of happiness on the face of a person who loves
we know that for a man
there can be no other vocation
that elicit this
light on the faces around him
Albert Camus
Sunday, November 28, 2010
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Talvolta gli pareva di avere appena perso un oggetto amato, senza capire quale fosse - ma sapeva che non l’avrebbe mai rivisto e non avrebbe mai saputo cos’era. Altre volte gli pareva che un essere minuscolo chiamasse di lontano piangendo, urlando di dolore o di fame o di paura, e che si dovesse andare a soccorrerlo al più presto, ma non sapeva dove. Altre volte ancora gli pareva che le sue mani fossero incredibilmente vuote, di non aver vissuto niente, di non aver mai raggiunto la soglia da cui ha inizio la felicità, di non aver mai neppure cominciato a gustare i piaceri eterni della bocca, del sesso, dello spirito, delle dita, delle orecchie e degli occhi. Di non aver fatto un passo verso la bellezza of the earth.
Then you have to start west.
Pascal Quignard - The scales of Chambord - p.22
Sunday, November 14, 2010
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Michelangelo Pistoletto
God loves plagiarists.
And so it is written: "God created man in His own image, the image of God he created him."
God is the original plagiarist.
With a shortage of sources from which a reasonable sneak - man created in the image of that? Animals? - The creation of man was a thoughtful plagiarism;
God plundered the mirror.
Jonathan Safran Foer - Everything Is Illuminated - pag.246
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Viva Or Vive La Difference?

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Ripeto: acqua è uguale a tempo, e l'acqua offre alla bellezza il suo doppio.
Noi, fatti in parte d'acqua, serviamo la bellezza allo stesso modo.
Toccando l'acqua, questa città migliora l'aspetto del tempo, abbellisce il futuro.
Ecco la funzione di questa città nell'universo.
Perché la città è statica mentre noi siamo in movimento. La lacrima ne è la dimostrazione.
Perché noi andiamo e la bellezza resta.
Perché noi siamo diretti verso il futuro mentre la bellezza è l'eterno presente.
La lacrima è una regressione, un omaggio del futuro al passato. Ovvero è ciò che rimane sottraendo qualcosa di superiore a qualcosa di inferiore: the beauty of man.
The same goes for love, because love is higher, too, is larger than lovers.
Josip Brodsky - Foundations of incurable - pag.108
Monday, November 8, 2010
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days that pass quickly .. days spent mostly in the library to read and make plans days .. in cui cerco di dividermi a metà per dedicarmi sia al prossimo esame sia alla tesi. Non è facile,ma forse neanche impossibile.
Giorni in cui cerco di trovare un piccolo spazio anche per altre letture..sto rileggendo i l gabbiano Jonatathan Livingston ...ma vorrei riuscire anche a leggere Terzani. Solo che il tempo sembra non bastare mai. Devo dividermi non solo nello studio..ma anche in casa tra pulizie e faccende varie.
Giorni di pensieri..
penso che appena sarò laureata mi prenderò un po' di tempo..non per oziare ma bensì per fare qualcosa di costruttivo che mi possa lasciare qualcosa interiormente ..
penso che vorrò leave for a bit, ' left at home my fears and maybe go to learn English by the au pair ...
I think I would also like to know places, different cultures ..
I think I would do also a volunteer in Africa ..
I think I would like to see the ' India .. but not only. I would also learn about Italy.
I think that just graduated will not go looking for a quiet life, a stable job and I will build the mill white family. I think once we really should graduate Agire, trasformare tutte queste parole in fatti..il tempo passa talmente in fretta che non voglio ritrovarmi a pensare un giorno "è troppo tardi"..
penso che non voglio dare importanza alle cose futili..
penso che non voglio spendere soldi in cose futili..
non voglio sentirmi soddisfatta acquistando abiti, cose o trovando un lavoro..
Sarò soddisfatta quando metterò in pratica i miei sogni..sogni che non hanno nulla a che vedere con qualcosa di materiale.
Ora che mi viene in mente avevo promesso che in questo post avrei parlato delle 10 cose che amo ..in seguito al premio che mi Andrea has given a lot 'of time ago ..
indirectly ... well maybe I've already done in part with this post but will try to follow a bit 'more about the rules of the "game":
1) THINK . always think in silence in the crowd. In the library, on the train. It may seem obvious because we all in some way. Boh But I love to think the same:)
2) NOTED. Peer. I am a careful observer. But unfortunately I do not love being watched.
3) SPEAK LIFE . Find out what others think of the meaning of life, the afterlife, death. Unfortunately, in this period of my life I have many people on my side to deal with.
4) Fantastic. think about my dreams, I want to be able one day to do / see / know.
5) READ. try especially books where I can find something of "me", some answers to my questions, some teaching, some knowledge, some hope. I think they are a bit 'salvici books .. as well as writing it .. I also love:
6) WRITE jot down thoughts, emotions ...
7) LISTEN MUSIC : the reasons are the same as step 5). I especially like Italian artists to name three among many: Masini, Bertoli, Gaber. I love listening to the music starts to daydream and nothing seems impossible.
8) MY MOTHER, MY BROTHER : my family. My cat RAGU ' .. he has become part of the family. My childhood friend G .
9) CHILDREN . Study to become an educator and teacher of the nest.
10) MYSELF . Or rather I'm trying to love me. Unfortunately I have little "respect" for me. I tend to overlook and forget the good things that belong to me. So this last point is a bit 'a promise: to try to love more myself.
And now according to the rules I have to give the award to 10 bloggers will have some ... probably already received the prize but I still put the link :)...
1) http://ilmondodienzo.blogspot.com/
2) http://apprendistaviaggiatore.blogspot.com/
3) http://briciolechenonsai. blogspot.com /
4) http://andreabo.blogspot.com/
5) http://estrodelmomento.blogspot.com/
6) http: / / thepsychedelice.blogspot.com /
7) http://stb-09.blogspot.com/
8) http://pottolina-comequandofuoripiove.blogspot.com/
9) http://oh-my-god-hot-springs.blogspot.com/
10 ) http://ritroverolamiastrada.blogspot.com/
I leave you with a song I love (played at high volume makes it more: D)