Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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here when it is nice to drive.
if all the cops were so we would have to have a good time.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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soon finally born. the atmosphere these days is almost more beautiful than December 25.
in any way that is consistent with all the shops have made multi-colored decorations and many houses are decorated for the holiday, this atmosphere is beautiful but it's even better is the fact that once a year. the bustle of this holiday is palpable, in search of the best gift and affordable at the same time and with incredible desire to be happy, Christmas brings this: happiness.
and as said once a Bart Simpson:
"jingle bells batman robin gay idiot you are, the Batmobile and Joker sucks is that there is to it .."
Saturday, October 27, 2007
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Dear readers, even this year Halloween is approaching.
Last year was spotted near Dublin as inhuman a monster as you can see in the pictures!
Mise havoc all over town!
They were all just sick to see him! Or maybe
vomited because they were drunk ... no one knows ...
Quest 'years says that hovers in the Valdarno area and is very dangerous!
If the sighted do not watch it in your eyes!
Otherwise you stand to throw you too! Instead, you can punch
with my eyes closed!
better if you hit the face of much worse things can not be!
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now like climbing animals such as human skills:
are better men or animals?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
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Hello everyone!
The summer holiday this year I spent in France with flag-wavers.
I was struck by a kid who first made his single of the flag in front of hundreds of people! If
fared quite well but still has a lot to learn and you have to train even more! However Gimmy
Friday, July 27, 2007
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do not have to drive your car when you're drunk!
Take example from him!
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
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I look at you, lying on the bed, asleep. it's too hot to go outside and ice can not seem to remain firmly on the cone.
I dreamed for a long time now, have you next to me, knowing that you are here only for Starmie next.
I hear your steady breathing and the movement of your chest like a music and dance from which I never want to leave.
's so strange existence. One day I had around me the usual routine and the next day, as if by magic, breath .. I had this whole life, that I've always wanted and that I love with all of myself.
I love this life .. I love you
Saturday, June 9, 2007
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Love one of the families most in the world created the satirical cartoon. It 's family loved and appreciated by young and old ...
fun time with this little piece ..
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
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Beautiful! when I saw the video I sbellicato with laughter!
Who has not understood it will be explained to the quatr'occhi!
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Who does not know the legendary clothing Filini and Fantozzi in one of the funniest films of the saga fantozzi: hunting? and here is a hilarious piece, here's what it's like the Italian comedy.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
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see why the recchia always wants to go to the gym!!
to make of these figures as they do!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
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... This is the question that would arise if he were the Coghe on this blog!
The thing that amazes me is not Coghe this question but how he managed to get this far!
One as he does not go with electronics very well, one that until a month ago in place of the phone had a homing pigeon!
We also see from the photo that is not even convinced that this is the right blog!
looks like a passport photo ...
Then I will make a small guide on how to leave a comment.
is the simple, just click (press the left mouse button ... is that where you keep your right hand above) on "comments" and you will open a page, they will be affixed to a space to write what you want , where then click on "post comment" and you're done!
!!!!!!"commenti" lo trovate qui!!!!!!!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
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And another thank you to another team that we can not please everyone, but I cheered with all their heart (even though my heart is not addressed to her, but ... you know who):

Sunday, May 27, 2007
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Anche quest'anno i Tonio ha finito gli anni!!!
Auguri Tonio!!!
Per l'occasione, il festeggiato , ha fatto prenotare un tavolo ad un noto ristorante, di cui non è possibile fare il nome, per ben 13 persone.
Notando che il festeggiato finiva 28 anni mi sembrava normale che il tavolo era per 13 persone!!
Meno male che il numero civico del ristorante non era il 17 sennò poi ci mancava pure che ci attraversava la strada un gatto nero mentre passavamo sotto una scala con in mano una bottiglia di olio e uno specchio e facevamo cadere tutto!!
Tra gli ospiti c'erano molte personalità, by Ceccherini who had just finished shooting the film "Fireworks" on the man who for reasons of Tigre Copyright did not want to be photographed.
The evening was enlivened by the tale of "real-life stories have margins of legality" to "criticism of films tear-jerker."
opening the gift there was much commotion.
The celebration was made for help from Massimo
proof clothing. Massimo
Note that looked certain taste
the back of the celebrated, but also the lower back , in turn
wonder if all those
film with all these actresses, maximum has passed to the other side!

arrival of the cake there was a frenzy!
In many wanted a nice big slice!
I settled for board ...

(scale 1 to 500 do not really know who is related!)
The few survivors to finish beauty in the evening they went to a new Pub Figline , where we just opened captain rarely ... Taken
all'arsura have been busy ...
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How many times have you felt oppressed by everyday life? How many times have you been looking for ways to break away from everything that oppresses you, and that makes you nervous? unfortunately happens every day to each of us to feel slow, frustrated, "incattiviti" ..
Relaxation is what our body and our mind implore us to get virtually every day.
The biofeedback is a technique that originated at the beginning of '900 and allows us to develop our welfare. A nsia , insomnia, migraine , asthma, hypertension , panic attacks, are just some of the problems that we remove a part of our happiness and that can be treated by this technique anni.Gli more than a hundred years old are implemented in 3 positions: lying down in a chair and tape.

Very important is also the breathing, which must operate in a progressively more automatic and less controlled. The patient should take advantage of the fact that the moment of exhalation produces, compared to the phase of insprazione, greater relaxation.
The exercises are divided into two fundamental
exercise of heaviness: it produces a state of muscular relaxation, or relaxation of striated muscle, smooth;
exercise of heat : produces peripheral vasodilation resulting in increased blood flow.
And some complementary
exercise of heart: it produces an improvement in cardiovascular function, exercise
breath: it produces an improvement in lung function, exercise
solar plexus : it produces an increase blood flow in the internal organs;
exercise of the forehead fresh: it can facilitate the elimination of potential headaches, because it produces a mild vasoconstriction in the brain region.
These exercises should be performed in the order listed randomly and not starting.
1 - FINANCIAL of gravity: the sequence provides for the progressive, slow analysis of the various parts of the body beginning with his right arm, then move to the left arm, right leg, left leg, abdomen, chest, shoulders and back, repeating the formula: "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My right arm is heavy ... heavy ... very heavy ... I feel completely relaxed ... "Repeat the formula
5-6 times.
With the same formula would then proceed in sequence on the other parts of the body.
While the formulas are repeated focus on the limb that is relaxing displaying the muscles that are released gradually.
Especially in the early sessions, it is worth pausing on each leg for 5-6 times on an ongoing basis before moving on to another limb.
2 - EXERCISE OF HEAT : the sequence is the same as last year. The formula is the same, substituting "heavy" the word "hot", "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My right arm is hot ... hot ... hot ... and I feel completely relaxed ... "
Repeat 5-6 times the formula.
With the same formula would then proceed to other parts of the body.
While the formulas are repeated focus on the limb that is heating up displaying the muscles that are released gradually and capillaries that are dilated and flushed from the bloodstream.
Especially in the initial sessions should dwell on each leg for 5-6 times on an ongoing basis before moving on to another limb.
3 - YEAR OF THE HEART : focusing on the heart, view it in the middle of the chest, repeating the formula: "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My heart is forte e batte calmo... calmo e regolare... Io mi sento calmo e tranquillo...”
Ripetere la formula 5-6 volte.
Secondo Schultz, in soggetti ben allenati, il ritmo cardiaco può essere volutamente accelerato o rallentato con le opportune formule.
4 - ESERCIZIO DEL RESPIRO : visualizzando il corpo, ed in particolare i polmoni, concentrarsi sul respiro, ripetendo la formula: “Io sono calmo..., calmo..., perfettamente calmo... Il mio respiro è calmo e regolare... Io mi sento calmo e tranquillo...”
Fino a giungere a: “Il mio respiro diventa sempre più profondo..., calmo..., regolare... Io mi sento calmo e tranquillo...”
Progressivamente move the display at the center of the body, imagining it as a large lung: "My body breathes with me ... The breath I breathe ... "formula
Repeat 5-6 times.
Aid may be displayed immersed in the sea in the form of sponge that ONFI and deflates the rhythm of the waves. Imagine that your breath takes the rhythm of the sponge.
5 - YEAR OF THE SOLAR PLEXUS : focusing in the central area between the breastbone and navel repeat the formula: "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My solar plexus is hot ... very hot ... My solar plexus is warm and radiates heat ... Repeat 5-6 times
formula. Imagine
only a small place in the abdomen that spreads all around heat or blood flow into the area bringing vitality and warmth, warmth that melts all the tension.
6 - EXERCISE OF FRONT : Focusing on the forehead with the words "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My forehead is cool ... pleasantly cool ... "formula
Repeat 5-6 times.
effective image can be to be seen lying on the grass or on a beach with the sun that warms the body while a gentle breeze touches my forehead.
At the end of each session
Make small movements of that year SHOOTING. They consist of flexion and extension of the feet and hands to the involvement of the arms and legs, the first small and gradually more and more energetic. So take a deep breath and open your eyes.
Try these exercises ... The result may be surprising ..
Saturday, May 26, 2007
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1) In the park of Milan 2, opposite to the studies of Mediaset, Silvio Berlusconi built an artificial lake where you carry on walking on water. One day, in the presence of cameras and journalists, the Knight indossa una tunica bianca, immerge un piede nell’acqua, volge gli occhi al cielo, fa il primo passo senza affondare, ne fa un altro, e piano piano arriva sino all’argine opposto. Ma appena tocca terra, ecco che dietro di lui, dall’acqua, emerge boccheggiante la testa di Emilio Fede. A quel punto, arrabbiatissimo, il Cavaliere si volta di scatto e gli sibila: - Stai sotto, cretino, che ti vedono!!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
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For those who want to experience the thrill of some healthy and mature little laughter, it was decided to start this collection jokes, jokes, and much more ....
Without wasting time here's a start really hilarious ...
And 'now the turn of Police:
1) A doctor explains to his distraught secretary, lying on the ground with the lifeless body of a policeman: - I told him to hold his breath, then the phone rang and I have moved away ...
3 ) During the exam to pass sergeant, the sergeant calls for the appointment: - How many degrees the water boils? - 100 degrees! - Responds promptly pinned. - No, you're wrong, sprawling, water boils at 90 degrees! - Says the sergeant. - I am sure that water boils at 100 degrees because I studied well! - Replied the constable. Then the sergeant consult the encyclopedia and after a while 'announced: - You are right, pinned, water boils at 100 degrees right, it is the right angles that boils at 90 degrees!
4) During a variety show has just finished a ventriloquist's puppet to tell the joke again about the police. From the audience gets an indignant spectators, is a sergeant who barks dell'Arma: - Enough? It's a shame! In a civilized country that is indecent to treat each other ignorant people who every day risk their lives to bring security to the society, those who fought and still fight to keep our people safe in a free and democratic state, men who leave home every day, kissing his wife and their children not knowing if that same evening they will hold them again. Enough! It is shameful this silly irony of alleged intellectual gifts of the policemen. The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to stammer an apology but is suddenly interrupted by the marshal. - She, by Please do not go out: this is a matter between me and the little monster is sitting on his lap!
5) Two policemen come together and start to talk about hobbies. - You know what I do in the evening to pass the time? - No. .. - Replied the other. - I do the puzzle! Then the other curious asks: - What is this puzzle? - So, is simple ... You buy a box where there are so many colorful pieces and you have to join them until they form the image that is in front of the box. The other excitedly decided to try it too, and spend two weeks riincontrano. - So did you do? Other: - Macchi I can not fit all the pieces to make the orange rooster is on the box ... - Sorry, but what brand is it?? -Boh! In front it says Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Match Arte Italica Pewter
appalauso We warmly to our "Miticissimo Premier Bonsai:

TG3: Small incident Berlusconi. As he crossed Piazza Navona
a mason Mantua, following the loss of their jobs due to the recent Budget, rounded up as a freelance photographer, he inadvertently touched with your tripod while the Prime Minister tried to take photographs for Vanity Fair Rutelli.
TG5: could be a disaster of unprecedented proportions .
Prime Minister Berlusconi has made heroic shield with his body to a poor child that Piazza Navona was being hit by a beam weighing several tons to a careless mason Mantua, protected by trade unions, had dropped. Berlusconi, after pointing out that he was himself a builder and also of Mantua, said that the beam will be used in one of the upcoming, new major works.
A builder in the province of Mantua red, then a communist, with unprecedented violence has thrown a tripod equipped with rotary blades sharp manufacturing Czechoslovak (and used until a few years ago by the intelligence departments of the KGB) in the direction of our Prime Minister, Mr Silvio Berlusconi, as he was walking on the waters of the Fountain of the Rivers in Piazza Navona. The premier, thanks to the considerable stature, he easily avoided by the same weapon, and has drawn in a few minutes, a statue of exquisite workmanship that will be erected in place of antiquated Fontana del Moro.
Berlusconi brings two guests to the country, the Indian prime minister and the prime minister turkish. After a while
'notice to have lost its bearings, and having the time late, Silvio takes matters in hand.
"Let Dear Ministers, I saw a farm where we will find a safe haven."
- Who '? - Asks the voice of the owner
- I Berlusconi, and we lost! Host us for a night? -
- I have got only two seats, one should go to sleep in the barn ...-
- No problem, I will go,-it gives the Indian minister.
- Goodbye ... goodnight
TOC TOC - Who '?
- I am the minister Indian in the stable there is' a cow, and I am not fit to sleep in the same place where he sleeps an animal considered sacred by our religion .-
- no problem, I will go, says Minister-turkish.
- Goodbye ... goodnight
TOC TOC - Who '?
- I am the minister turkish, there's a pig in the barn and our religion forbids to be in the same place as an unclean animal .-
Berlusconi comes forward - and that's fine, I'll go
...- - Goodnight ... goodnight
TOC TOC - Who '?
- S e are the cow and the pig ...