How many times have you felt oppressed by everyday life? How many times have you been looking for ways to break away from everything that oppresses you, and that makes you nervous? unfortunately happens every day to each of us to feel slow, frustrated, "incattiviti" ..
Relaxation is what our body and our mind implore us to get virtually every day.
The biofeedback is a technique that originated at the beginning of '900 and allows us to develop our welfare. A nsia , insomnia, migraine , asthma, hypertension , panic attacks, are just some of the problems that we remove a part of our happiness and that can be treated by this technique anni.Gli more than a hundred years old are implemented in 3 positions: lying down in a chair and tape.

Very important is also the breathing, which must operate in a progressively more automatic and less controlled. The patient should take advantage of the fact that the moment of exhalation produces, compared to the phase of insprazione, greater relaxation.
The exercises are divided into two fundamental
exercise of heaviness: it produces a state of muscular relaxation, or relaxation of striated muscle, smooth;
exercise of heat : produces peripheral vasodilation resulting in increased blood flow.
And some complementary
exercise of heart: it produces an improvement in cardiovascular function, exercise
breath: it produces an improvement in lung function, exercise
solar plexus : it produces an increase blood flow in the internal organs;
exercise of the forehead fresh: it can facilitate the elimination of potential headaches, because it produces a mild vasoconstriction in the brain region.
These exercises should be performed in the order listed randomly and not starting.
1 - FINANCIAL of gravity: the sequence provides for the progressive, slow analysis of the various parts of the body beginning with his right arm, then move to the left arm, right leg, left leg, abdomen, chest, shoulders and back, repeating the formula: "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My right arm is heavy ... heavy ... very heavy ... I feel completely relaxed ... "Repeat the formula
5-6 times.
With the same formula would then proceed in sequence on the other parts of the body.
While the formulas are repeated focus on the limb that is relaxing displaying the muscles that are released gradually.
Especially in the early sessions, it is worth pausing on each leg for 5-6 times on an ongoing basis before moving on to another limb.
2 - EXERCISE OF HEAT : the sequence is the same as last year. The formula is the same, substituting "heavy" the word "hot", "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My right arm is hot ... hot ... hot ... and I feel completely relaxed ... "
Repeat 5-6 times the formula.
With the same formula would then proceed to other parts of the body.
While the formulas are repeated focus on the limb that is heating up displaying the muscles that are released gradually and capillaries that are dilated and flushed from the bloodstream.
Especially in the initial sessions should dwell on each leg for 5-6 times on an ongoing basis before moving on to another limb.
3 - YEAR OF THE HEART : focusing on the heart, view it in the middle of the chest, repeating the formula: "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My heart is forte e batte calmo... calmo e regolare... Io mi sento calmo e tranquillo...”
Ripetere la formula 5-6 volte.
Secondo Schultz, in soggetti ben allenati, il ritmo cardiaco può essere volutamente accelerato o rallentato con le opportune formule.
4 - ESERCIZIO DEL RESPIRO : visualizzando il corpo, ed in particolare i polmoni, concentrarsi sul respiro, ripetendo la formula: “Io sono calmo..., calmo..., perfettamente calmo... Il mio respiro è calmo e regolare... Io mi sento calmo e tranquillo...”
Fino a giungere a: “Il mio respiro diventa sempre più profondo..., calmo..., regolare... Io mi sento calmo e tranquillo...”
Progressivamente move the display at the center of the body, imagining it as a large lung: "My body breathes with me ... The breath I breathe ... "formula
Repeat 5-6 times.
Aid may be displayed immersed in the sea in the form of sponge that ONFI and deflates the rhythm of the waves. Imagine that your breath takes the rhythm of the sponge.
5 - YEAR OF THE SOLAR PLEXUS : focusing in the central area between the breastbone and navel repeat the formula: "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My solar plexus is hot ... very hot ... My solar plexus is warm and radiates heat ... Repeat 5-6 times
formula. Imagine
only a small place in the abdomen that spreads all around heat or blood flow into the area bringing vitality and warmth, warmth that melts all the tension.
6 - EXERCISE OF FRONT : Focusing on the forehead with the words "I am calm ... calm ... perfectly calm ... My forehead is cool ... pleasantly cool ... "formula
Repeat 5-6 times.
effective image can be to be seen lying on the grass or on a beach with the sun that warms the body while a gentle breeze touches my forehead.
At the end of each session
Make small movements of that year SHOOTING. They consist of flexion and extension of the feet and hands to the involvement of the arms and legs, the first small and gradually more and more energetic. So take a deep breath and open your eyes.
Try these exercises ... The result may be surprising ..
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