here I am after months of no return .. "my" world, having abandoned another. Yes, I left the famous fb! Hoping not to resubscribe again. I am often asked which way he had come all day on that website to see if there were any notifications or curious novelty in the home. No way. And if there's a sense it is quite disturbing. To tell the "whole world" what I'm doing or not, show pictures that represent moments in my life and see what happens in the lives of others (or rather see what other people They want to see for himself) began to tire in a sense.
That the urgent need for people to communicate, to read your thoughts ... it would be better to express himself to the life reality? They're not risk in this way to confuse reality with the invention also trivializes everything ?.... not a bit 'too much? ... yes ... I think you end up giving less value to everything. So I'm back here, this world of blogs appears to me less chaotic, more traditional, more "me".
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