Yes .. my approaching departure for .. for .. LONDON!
fact is that yesterday morning I decided to go into the nearest bank to change a bit 'of euro in pounds ... .. the Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna
"hi, I need to change € 100 sterling"
"She is our customer?"
"um .. no .. is this a problem?"
"mmm .. not .. enough .. just the documents that .. er .. we have been only 45 pounds ... will go to our branch being .. etc etc ... "
ok, I headed to the office ..
" hi, she is our customer? "
" um .. no .. is this a problem? I was sent here by saying that there would be no problems "
" I am afraid of you .. yes .. it is not our client expect control .... but she is not surveyed in any bank, why?? "(the and threatening tone was surprised .. I felt a thief on the run)
"uh .. because I usually go to the post office!"
"AH .... look we can not help it! I'm sorry ... goodbye!"
I left the bank .. I was Stunned to say the least ..., can not be recorded as no bank is to be aliens. Aliens not important enough! talmente alieni da non poter cambiare 100 euro in sterline!?!?!?
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Piuttosto innervosita e sconfortata mi reco verso la Cassa dei risparmi..
anticipo il cassiere:
"no non sono vostra cliente, c'è qualche problema?"
"no nessun problema, però per i non clienti ci son in aggiunta le commissioni..6 euro circa"
"ehm...NO GRAZIE.."
però devo dire che questo al contrario degli altri è stato fin troppo gentile, mi ha anche consigliato di recarmi nella banca a banca di forlì..
ormai senza nessuna speranza son entrata dentro l'ennesima banca..
incredula ho trovato dinanzi a me un cassiere gentile, disponibile that no problems have accepted my pennies and made me pay only 1 euro commission ..
But it was so 'COMPLICATED ?????
am still speechless after this experience, my hatred of banks has tripled! If I was the daughter of a "daddy" or simply if I had a current account m'avrebbero certainly not treated like this ...
one word: misery

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