fourth review that I face this summer,
disappointed with teachers who do not appear as such but which appear only essercitare their profession for the sake of looking from above,
many thoughts and reflections,
themes that I have opened my mind as a matriarchy.
want to escape with the mind, body.
desire for freedom. The desire for independence.
desire for peace at home. Impossible.
Want to practice what I think. Difficult.
Want to move me, to give shape to what I feel. Possible.
not want to sun-sea-bed but something more.
desire to act. Alone. With my strength.
Please understand, to seek, do not give up.
desire for non-approval. Please
of madness, of change, transformation and growth.
not like writing a well-articulated speech.
Want to see and find a way.
But perhaps there is a sense.

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