At that time, there was no individual, no distinction was made between "I" and "you." The 'I' was born out of fear of death, only then an entity other than the 'I' has turned into "you." The man had still not afraid of himself and his knowledge of himself was on the other hand, were only the possession or being possessed, or being subjected to the subject which confirmed its existence. While "he", the third unconnected with "me" e con "te", si è venuto differenziando per gradi. Poi "io" ha scoperto che "lui" era dappertutto, l’esistenza di esseri diversi ha fatto retrocedere la coscienza dell’"io" e del "tu". Nella lotta per la sopravvivenza, l’uomo ha attenuato pian piano la coscienza di sé. Catapultato nel caotico mondo, l’uomo è un minuscolo granello di sabbia.
Gao Xingjian - La montagna dell'anima - pag.398
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