Kaveh Hosseini - The Joy
- Father, you know what evidence the lawn?
-You mean the grass? - Yes, the grass and flowers. Even that is not grass and flowers. The land, animals, small rocks, roots. The lawn. All the lawn. You know what proof?
- I hear you, - Ganuan approached the head of the child.
- The grass feels happy weariness, - said the boy, with the tone of one who reveals a secret - much like when you run the game. The lawn has run very ... She paused suddenly. The Burban was silent, his head close, waiting.
- The lawn ran a lot, - said Madurera - with insects and seeds and the wind. Even his color went away. There and back many times. Then. .. (...)
- The lawn does not feel the above and below, - he said.
- What do you mean, Madurera? - Asked Burban returning to China.
- Do not feel the roots and stems in the ground in the air - said Madurera - does not feel the inside and the outside. Do you understand?
ll Burban was silent.
— Guarda là, padre, — disse il bambino indicando attorno, — vedi, le radici del prato sono nel cielo della terra, e i fiori sono radici nell’aria.
Con la mano aperta copriva da lontano la lascia dipinta sulla parete.
— I fiori sono radici nell’aria. Gli animali entrano ed escono, sono dentro e fuori. Entrano nella terra, escono dal cielo. Il prato li protegge nel loro passaggio. Li protegge. Li sente tutti e li protegge. Ganuan sollevò una mano del figlio e la baciò.
- It 's true what they say Sakumat son. You are a poet.
Madurera smiled. - The lawn is a poet - and he again fell asleep. Roberto
Quilts - the arrow - pag.77-78
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