Monday, December 27, 2010
A Confirmation Letter To The Priest
“Che vedi, figliolo?” gli chiese padre Emanuele. E Roberto, ancora di poca eloquenza: "The meadows." "Of course, anyone is able to see the Meadows over there. But you know that depending on the position of the sun, the color of the sky, the time of day & season, they can appear in different forms inspired various feelings. The peasant, weary work, they appear as Meadows, & nothing else. The same happens to the fisherman appalled by some of those wild night Images of Fire that sometimes appear in the sky, & scare; ma non appena i Meteoristi, che son pure Poeti, ardiscono chiamarle Comete Crinite, Barbate & Codate, Capre, Travi, Scudi, Faci & Saette, queste figure del linguaggio ti rendono chiaro per quali Simboli arguti intendesse parlar Natura, che si serve di queste Imagini come di Ieroglifici, che da un lato rinviano ai Segni del Zodiaco & dall’altro a Eventi passati o futuri. E i Prati? Vedi quanto puoi dire dei Prati, & come dicendone tu vieppiù ne veda & comprenda: spira Favonio, la Terra s’apre, piangono i Rosignoli, si pavoneggian gli Alberi chiomati di fronde, & tu scopri il mirabile ingegno dei Prati nella varietà delle lor stirpe d’Herbe allattate dai Rivi che scherzano in lieta childhood. The Meadows festive cheer with joy lepida, at the appearance of the Sun open the face & see them in the arc of a smile & rejoice for the return of abstraction, drunken kisses sweet Austria, laughter & dancing on the earth itself that opens a blank Letizia, & the warmth of the morning makes them so full of joy that they give vent to his tears of dew. Wreath of flowers, lawns give themselves up to their genius & witty hyperbole of Rainbows. But soon their youth known to hasten death, their rice is disturbed in a sudden pallor, the sky fades & Zephyr sighs already lingers on a Ianguente Earth, so that the arrive early wrath of winter skies, saddening the Meadows, a Frost & s'inscheletriscono. Here is my son: If you had said simply that the grass is no more pleasant would that represent its verdant - we already know - but if you say that make me laugh Meadows see the earth as a man will Lively, & learn how to observe each other human faces in all the nuances that I took in the meadows ... And this is the office of the Figure-eminent among all the Metaphor. If the engineer, and then the know, are to tie together remote notion and find similarities in dissimilar things, the metaphor, among the sharpest and Figures peregrina, is the only one capable of producing Wonder, that led to the Beloved, as the changes of scenes in the theater. And if we cause the Beloved Figures is to learn new things without effort and a lot of things in stem volume, that's the metaphor, bringing to mind the flight from one genre to another, there is only one word in travedere more than one goal. "
Umberto Eco - The Island of the day before - pag.85
by Eugenio Prati
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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Giorgio De Chirico
The man was beginning to think that they were to the brink of death and that they should find a place where nobody could find them. Sometimes, watching the baby sleep, he happened to break out in an uncontrollable crying, but was not the thought of death. He was not sure what it was but he thought that had something to do with beauty or goodness. Things they had no way of thinking. (...) He went out into the pale light, and stood there for a moment he saw the absolute truth of the world. The motion of the earth cold and ruthless died intestate. Darkness implacable. The dogs of the sun in their race blind. The crushing black vacuum of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals trembling like young fox in the den. A time and borrowed world and borrowed with eyes to cry.
Cormac McCarthy - The Road - pag.99-100
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Get Rid Of A Chest Infection
I do not care gifts, lights, atmosphere, tree, dinners with the relatives, fake cards. I do not want anything. I just wish more humanity and less superficial.
I let myself be lulled by the notes of this song that manages perfectly to give voice to my feelings.
Although I do not know and do not understand my language
today I want to write, because
this old world is dead and even though I've never seen
I feel like you too,
although we value coins
written down by a miserable reality,
us in this life
fallen petals from the same flower ...
If every time you forgive and believe in other
religions or have not yet found God, and yet I swear
sometimes with ferocity,
because you have lost your confidence, but
your blood burns like mine, even if you
convinced that love is the
most of the lying truth,
if you're still a prisoner of an error
you hurt ...
Merry Christmas,
unknown distant brother, I wish you a Merry Christmas
from my little Italian sky,
who hate you do not want to steal the future, make
good for evil,
Merry Christmas!
Although the war is on the air
and all around the world without borders
of freedom,
even if the poor are not that hungry and tricks,
surpluses in rich countries,
crumbs of generosity, a message arrives
even by people who every day helps those who can not make it,
for life reborn in a
a stable and universal heart ...
Merry Christmas [Merry Christmas!]
unarmed brother away,
I wish you a Merry Christmas [Merry Christmas!]
and the light of a wheat field,
not do it, do not throw
this dream within reach and
even if you turn off or change channels,
Merry Christmas!
Even without a job and without dignity,
even if you are filled with happiness, if this
notte, come per regalo,
ti ritrovi solo, dentro a un letto di ospedale,
buon Natale! [Buon Natale!]
A un secolo che muore,
buon Natale! [Buon Natale!]
Fratello non mollare mai, [Fratello non mollare mai,]
ma rincorri anche tu quella stella, [ma rincorri anche tu quella stella!]
la vita è una grande mamma che ti culla,
col suo alito immortale
e un oceano d'amore.
Anche senza l'albero
e i pacchetti da scartare,
anche senza tutta
questa festa artificiale,
fosse, come gli altri giorni,
il giorno più banale...
Buon Natale!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
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At that time, there was no individual, no distinction was made between "I" and "you." The 'I' was born out of fear of death, only then an entity other than the 'I' has turned into "you." The man had still not afraid of himself and his knowledge of himself was on the other hand, were only the possession or being possessed, or being subjected to the subject which confirmed its existence. While "he", the third unconnected with "me" e con "te", si è venuto differenziando per gradi. Poi "io" ha scoperto che "lui" era dappertutto, l’esistenza di esseri diversi ha fatto retrocedere la coscienza dell’"io" e del "tu". Nella lotta per la sopravvivenza, l’uomo ha attenuato pian piano la coscienza di sé. Catapultato nel caotico mondo, l’uomo è un minuscolo granello di sabbia.
Gao Xingjian - La montagna dell'anima - pag.398
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
How To Design A Sandrail On Paper
Serra - Parlare di spirito e particolarmente difficile perche si ha l’impressione che la vita, oggi, sia consacrata al controllo e allo studio del corpo; oserei quasi talk about a deification of the body. An impression is also reinforced by the reading of his books. If I were a priest would ask you if you spent all this attention to the body is not likely to forget the spirit. Or body and spirit are the same thing?
Petit - It's a wonderful question, but does not concern me, because I do not have anything to do with the body. Passion, intuition, pursuit of excellence, perseverance, love for something and all this fruit of the mind. To walk on a tightrope you certainly need the body, but first you must create an amazing energy and strength of faith: one must believe. Quando sono sulla fune, quando, dopo aver afferrato la mia asta da equilibrista, sono pronto a partire, devo sapere in anticipo, prima di fare il primo passo, che arriverò dall’altra parte. Se non lo sapessi fuggirei via, perche sarebbe terrificante. Questa è fede. Forse è una fede religiosa; di certo ha a che fare con la mente.
Philippe Petit - Credere nel vuoto - pag.44-45
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Noi pensiamo che a renderci diversi dagli altri e unici come i fiocchi di neve siano le cosiddette caratteristiche individuali, i segni personali, le idiosincrasie coltivate nella più astratta e gelida solitudine, e invece l'unica cosa che veramente ci distingue e rende inconfondibili, nel bene e nel male, è la forma, la natura dei nostri legami.
Emanuele Trevi - Il libro della gioia perpetua - pag.53-54
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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CHINA - VATICAN Chinese bishops to attend the meeting deported Patriotic W. Zhicheng - Z. Yuan
The gathering, incompatible with the faith of Catholics, should elect the Presidents of the Patriotic Association and the Council of Bishops. Some bishops have been hidden for not participating, while others were taken against their will. The bishop of Hengshui, seized and torn to the defense of the faithful, was brought to Beijing.
Beijing (AsiaNews) - AsiaNews sources say that dozens of bishops of the official Church have been deported by force to the capital to force them to participate in the House of Representatives Chinese Catholics, which the pope is incompatible with Catholic faith.
The Assembly opened today in Beijing and is surrounded by secrecy and a low profile can not contact anyone, even the Xinhua did not give any news event. It should lead to the election of national president of the Patriotic Association and chairman of the council of Chinese bishops, two bodies are unacceptable to the Catholic Church because they are intended to build a separate, detached from the pope. "It's just a meeting for a new round of leaders," said Liu Bainian, vice president and director of the PA Assembly. In fact, the gathering is the "sovereign body" of the official Chinese church in which bishops are a minority among Catholics and government representatives. In its decisions are ecclesial shots rigged elections. Before today's meeting, all participants received by Liu Bainian indications of what to do and what to vote.
The Assembly has been postponed for at least four years because the official bishops, in obedience to the Holy See's, have consistently refused to participate.
AsiaNews sources report that many bishops from different provinces, to avoid being dragged in Beijing have gone into hiding or are given to patients. Others were taken by representatives Assembly Government and dragged against their will. Still others, who knew they could not escape, agreed to come to Beijing, but decided not to celebrate together the masses Assembly, being some bishops excommunicated.
The same sources claim that there are still bishops who have opposed any resistance. The Diocese of Beijing, in its newsletter, published two articles in honor of the event.
The most serious and obvious violence occurred in Hengshui (Hebei), where Mgr. Feng Xinmao was seized by about 100 police officers and government representatives, who have fought for hours against the faithful and priests who did shield the bishop to ensure freedom. In the clashes was a fair shot in the shoulder. In recent days, the bishop had been kept in isolation, away from his home. The faithful were able to snatch control of the police and take him to bishop. After hours of siege, the bishop was again arrested and last night at 20:30, Mgr. Feng Xinmao was dragged to Beijing to attend the meeting. One of the faithful, weeping, while the bishop is escorted away, said: "Our poor bishop has no freedom."
Another prelate, Msgr. Li Lianghui Cangzhou (Hebei) has disappeared to escape the meeting in Beijing. The police threatened that if the diocese is the bishop delivery sarà ricercato in tutto il Paese come “un pericoloso criminale”.
L’Assemblea e la deportazione dei vescovi gettano un’ombra buia sui rapporti fra Cina e Vaticano, dopo anni di stand by. La situazione è precipitata nelle scorse settimane, dopo l’ordinazione illecita di p. Guo Jincai a vescovo di Chengde, lo scorso 20 novembre. In essa, l’Ap ha obbligato otto vescovi ufficiali a prendere parte alla cerimonia, contro il volere della Santa Sede che ha condannato l’accaduto come “una grave violazione alla libertà religiosa”.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Rollerbladingfreedom Of The Seas
nothing new and I work the corner of a bar
with a heavy coat and light
with a future dog bastards women
zero zero zero money Friends looks
zero zero zero zero stars punches balls zero
dreams of being me I was the first
the house bills and I had a license
but there was not transparent and are now no more black than white
unknown to sender finally
Zero zero zero and those who move more
if love is a tedious back and forth and you
girl with the sun between the teeth and an absorbent
where your heart that you
to bed you gave me the points and
you held prisoner between the legs and feelings for you but I counted zero
I do not like losers
want a man that is safer
within the powerful
those who have it hard
Yes all the numbers one and that's okay
all in downtown Milan
and no one helps anyone but I am a friend of
a train passes through here
every day and brings me the scent of the sea and a dress from scratch
Zero is a disease that
you are no longer in stock
even in this world of rich sandwiches
like grains of polenta human
maybe we are the children in swimming pools
placenta are the last of the first because the world does not slow
Yes all the numbers but one without me
how do you make ten to one hundred to one thousand
billion to make from scratch ... Without the zero
who cares about water and soap
I want a life of his beard and thought
want a big box that you see only the sky
shower and a shower of both the sun dries
and costs zero
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
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the dark after the Dalai Lama
The announcement of the Dalai Lama on his possible withdrawal "retired" within six months is accompanied by two other noisy activities: the leader Buddhist has left open the possibility of being the last Dalai Lama, the last charge that is to combine the religious and the head of the Tibetan government in exile. He also suggested, however, that after him that role could be up to a woman. This leaves open the possibility that the games will make for a successor while he is still alive. A scenario that is viewed with hostility from China.
The output now is the anchor of a strategy that the Tibetan leader began to unravel three years ago, in November 2007. Even then, indicates that the next Dalai Lama could be appointed and the current spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists is still alive, breaking the old tradition, which establishes the choice of his successor after his death. He said during a visit to Japan, almost illegal because the representatives of the Tokyo government refused to accept it and even give him an escort, not to provoke the anger of the Chinese government.
Ripping announced over the ancient religious customs is a sign of extreme tension on the succession. The leaders of the Republic People are convinced that the time games in their favor, they planned the final solution to the problem of Tibet: Dalai Lama will impose the death of a leader of their choice to shut permanently every aspiration of religious autonomy.
Since 1959, when the Dalai Lama fled his homeland occupied by the Chinese army and found asylum in the Indian city of Dharmsala, the charismatic exile has always been a thorn in the side of the communist nomenklatura and an obstacle to the "normalization".
Now the Chinese regime is betting everything on his death. The last law passed in Beijing by the State Religious Affairs, known as Order No. 5, entitled "Administrative Measures for the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas in Tibet." The Chinese government will retain the last word in this field, so that the next Buddhist leader is a docile puppet in his hands.
"The people of Tibet - the Dalai Lama said in an interview with Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun - would not recognize a successor selected by China after my death. If Tibetans want to keep the Dalai Lama system, one possibility is to appoint the next while I'm still alive. Among the options being discussed is a selection made from the most respected Democratic monks of Tibetan Buddhism, or an appointment made by me. "
deforestation and degradation of the delicate ecosystem in the Himalayan region.
Beijing has already provided a glimpse of the methods that can be used to lock down the sequence. In 1995 the Dalai Lama chose a 6 year old boy, Gendun Choekyi Nyima, to become the eleventh Panchen Lama, the second most revered spiritual figure from the Tibetan Buddhists. The child and his family were made to disappear and never been heard about them. The Government of the People's Republic maintains them in a secret place to "protect". Meanwhile, the communist authorities have designated another Panchen Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu, from which a claim to absolute loyalty to China. Written
Monday, November 22, 2010 at 19:18 in the category China policy, Tibet, human rights , religion.
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When you saw only once
the splendor of happiness on the face of a person who loves
we know that for a man
there can be no other vocation
that elicit this
light on the faces around him
Albert Camus
Sunday, November 28, 2010
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foto di Tristan Campbell
Talvolta gli pareva di avere appena perso un oggetto amato, senza capire quale fosse - ma sapeva che non l’avrebbe mai rivisto e non avrebbe mai saputo cos’era. Altre volte gli pareva che un essere minuscolo chiamasse di lontano piangendo, urlando di dolore o di fame o di paura, e che si dovesse andare a soccorrerlo al più presto, ma non sapeva dove. Altre volte ancora gli pareva che le sue mani fossero incredibilmente vuote, di non aver vissuto niente, di non aver mai raggiunto la soglia da cui ha inizio la felicità, di non aver mai neppure cominciato a gustare i piaceri eterni della bocca, del sesso, dello spirito, delle dita, delle orecchie e degli occhi. Di non aver fatto un passo verso la bellezza of the earth.
Then you have to start west.
Pascal Quignard - The scales of Chambord - p.22
Sunday, November 14, 2010
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Michelangelo Pistoletto
God loves plagiarists.
And so it is written: "God created man in His own image, the image of God he created him."
God is the original plagiarist.
With a shortage of sources from which a reasonable sneak - man created in the image of that? Animals? - The creation of man was a thoughtful plagiarism;
God plundered the mirror.
Jonathan Safran Foer - Everything Is Illuminated - pag.246
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Viva Or Vive La Difference?
photos of Marco Orma
Ripeto: acqua è uguale a tempo, e l'acqua offre alla bellezza il suo doppio.
Noi, fatti in parte d'acqua, serviamo la bellezza allo stesso modo.
Toccando l'acqua, questa città migliora l'aspetto del tempo, abbellisce il futuro.
Ecco la funzione di questa città nell'universo.
Perché la città è statica mentre noi siamo in movimento. La lacrima ne è la dimostrazione.
Perché noi andiamo e la bellezza resta.
Perché noi siamo diretti verso il futuro mentre la bellezza è l'eterno presente.
La lacrima è una regressione, un omaggio del futuro al passato. Ovvero è ciò che rimane sottraendo qualcosa di superiore a qualcosa di inferiore: the beauty of man.
The same goes for love, because love is higher, too, is larger than lovers.
Josip Brodsky - Foundations of incurable - pag.108
Monday, November 8, 2010
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days that pass quickly .. days spent mostly in the library to read and make plans days .. in cui cerco di dividermi a metà per dedicarmi sia al prossimo esame sia alla tesi. Non è facile,ma forse neanche impossibile.
Giorni in cui cerco di trovare un piccolo spazio anche per altre letture..sto rileggendo i l gabbiano Jonatathan Livingston vorrei riuscire anche a leggere Terzani. Solo che il tempo sembra non bastare mai. Devo dividermi non solo nello anche in casa tra pulizie e faccende varie.
Giorni di pensieri..
penso che appena sarò laureata mi prenderò un po' di tempo..non per oziare ma bensì per fare qualcosa di costruttivo che mi possa lasciare qualcosa interiormente ..
penso che vorrò leave for a bit, ' left at home my fears and maybe go to learn English by the au pair ...
I think I would also like to know places, different cultures ..
I think I would do also a volunteer in Africa ..
I think I would like to see the ' India .. but not only. I would also learn about Italy.
I think that just graduated will not go looking for a quiet life, a stable job and I will build the mill white family. I think once we really should graduate Agire, trasformare tutte queste parole in tempo passa talmente in fretta che non voglio ritrovarmi a pensare un giorno "è troppo tardi"..
penso che non voglio dare importanza alle cose futili..
penso che non voglio spendere soldi in cose futili..
non voglio sentirmi soddisfatta acquistando abiti, cose o trovando un lavoro..
Sarò soddisfatta quando metterò in pratica i miei sogni..sogni che non hanno nulla a che vedere con qualcosa di materiale.
Ora che mi viene in mente avevo promesso che in questo post avrei parlato delle 10 cose che amo seguito al premio che mi Andrea has given a lot 'of time ago ..
indirectly ... well maybe I've already done in part with this post but will try to follow a bit 'more about the rules of the "game":
1) THINK . always think in silence in the crowd. In the library, on the train. It may seem obvious because we all in some way. Boh But I love to think the same:)
2) NOTED. Peer. I am a careful observer. But unfortunately I do not love being watched.
3) SPEAK LIFE . Find out what others think of the meaning of life, the afterlife, death. Unfortunately, in this period of my life I have many people on my side to deal with.
4) Fantastic. think about my dreams, I want to be able one day to do / see / know.
5) READ. try especially books where I can find something of "me", some answers to my questions, some teaching, some knowledge, some hope. I think they are a bit 'salvici books .. as well as writing it .. I also love:
6) WRITE jot down thoughts, emotions ...
7) LISTEN MUSIC : the reasons are the same as step 5). I especially like Italian artists to name three among many: Masini, Bertoli, Gaber. I love listening to the music starts to daydream and nothing seems impossible.
8) MY MOTHER, MY BROTHER : my family. My cat RAGU ' .. he has become part of the family. My childhood friend G .
9) CHILDREN . Study to become an educator and teacher of the nest.
10) MYSELF . Or rather I'm trying to love me. Unfortunately I have little "respect" for me. I tend to overlook and forget the good things that belong to me. So this last point is a bit 'a promise: to try to love more myself.
And now according to the rules I have to give the award to 10 bloggers will have some ... probably already received the prize but I still put the link :)...
3) http://briciolechenonsai. /
6) http: / / /
10 )
I leave you with a song I love (played at high volume makes it more: D)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Why Do Toothaches Hurt At Night
bruised because of cold and cough I'm here in bed .. with a lot of duvets, pillows, hot chamomile and sleepy cat. This summer
.. After the boat trip starts in search of the hotel booked on the Internet. The indications are not very clear and now we get lost among the Calle. I learn only now, even if I had concluded that "call" and the equivalent di "via". Non è affatto male perdersi fra le varie stradine, non sai mai cosa ti attende e tutto pare più affascinante . Riusciamo a trovare l'albergo, rigorosamente ad una stella. Non si può parlare propriamente di albergo, bensì di struttura dotata di camere il cui ingresso è costituito da una porta verde sempre aperta. All'interno nessuno portiere, nessuna reception. La famosa porta verde è proprio questa:
Check in e robe varie vanno effettuato nell'albergo associato a 3 stelle. Va beh, queste sono piccolezze.
La nostra esplorazione procede e con piacere ci riperdiamo fra le viuzze e ponti vari. Siamo ancora lontani dal centro, la gente è poca, l'altmosfera quiet. Something refreshingly different: there is no chaos of cars. The houses seem old, crumbling but still beautiful, the clothes hanging in the wire give me the feeling of being in another era
Dopo "cena" ci dirigiamo verso il centro, i negozietti aumentano in maniera spropositata. Un sacco di vetrine con esposte le famose maschere
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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The days are few, short rest, so many pages to study el ' anxiety in a particularly emotional person like me a lot.
Aristotle said:
"the study is the best security for old age"
.. but this morning I feel a bit 'as when my cat is sleepy:
I can not hide it. Despite the thoughts, anxieties and sleepy today is not different affatto un giorno qualunque. Oggi è il suo compleanno. Il compleanno di Lei. Mia mamma. La donna che più amo al mondo. Stasera scriverò solo di te. Di noi.
Friday, September 3, 2010
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Stasera ho voglia di fare quel "giochino" che circolava poco tempo fa fra alcuni dei vostri blog..cercherò di percorrere anno dopo anno la mia vita provando a ricordare i momenti più significativi.
-1: marzo 1986 nasce mio fratello E.
1: settembre 1987 Nasco io. Mia mamma is young: 22 years. She fell in love and not think about 2 times despite the pressures of his parents .. he married and puts us in the world. We live in a nice apartment and everything seems go for the best.
2.3: I remember the blue room with clouds painted on the walls from the father.
A Noah's Ark built together.
My crib with bars that I can climb with great skill .
toy soldiers and marbles.
Chick : my favorite doll: I love crawling tissue between the thumb and index finger and suck in the meantime.
pippi long stockings: a rag doll that I loved but which I never did it to give it to poor children. I want them happy because they know that they are less fortunate.
My brother it combines all the colors: the garbage bag launched through the window panes on the spray for sausages, car keys in the bin. But .. She hugs me tightly and I shake his round cheeks. I remember that I asked my mom: "WHAT DOES IT MEAN YOU HATE?", She said that was not a bad thing to say, I did not understand and told my brother: "I hate you." He reported it to my mom.
remember bathing naked in a blue bowl. Already felt embarrassed but I do not know why.
4: Asylum: the teacher I love her and I love the "kitchen" where everything seems real fake. I remember when we had to choose the dress carnival. I remember the album of drawings and I must remember to look for him because I'll be there. I remember the camp where there was a nap .. everyone was asleep but I wanted to stay awake as the teacher. I remember that during a fishing wanted it so much that little packet of candy colored and just what happened to me!
still do not understand me but ....
... the situation is changing family.
My mom discovered that my father is not the man who thought he had married. Is not responsible. Combine mess up mess. There's fraud, debts. Every purchase intenstato to my mother without her knowledge. Trouble on trouble.
the situation worsened.
Intervergono my grandparents to help pay off debts. One day my father left for Morocco for one of his business probably taking with it my brother. They come home after I do not know how many days. My mother is so scared but everything is fine. My brother remembers that the bar to order the orange juice was said "jus d'orange." I am angry because they did not bring me too. I still remember the sound of the telephone: it was they who had returned. I answered and said, "I ate a piece of chocolate GREAT YOU AND U.S.." then ran under the bed. My dad found me right away.
the situation is worsening day by day.
Lui non cambia,
lui non sa fare il padre.
Ce ne andiamo in un paesino non molto distante.
Noi 3 .
Un mini appartamento che il mio bisnonno aveva e che diventerà la nostra casa. Ricordo ancora la prima volta che entrammo. Tutti i miei pupazzi erano già stati sistemati nel letto, allineati..
e l'orso dalle lunghe orecchie mi fissava, sembrava volesse tranquillizzarmi. Ci riuscì.
Un'unica camera, un lettone e una brandina;una scrivania e un armadio. Una piccola cucina dove c'era anche un divano rosso. Un bagno. Un lungo corridoio che ben presto diventò la camera del mio anziano prozio fratello di mio babbo. Nessuno si volle occupare di lui. Lo fece mia mamma. Parlava solo dialetto romagnolo ma era il nostro migliore compagno di giochi.
I nostri nonni invece eran persone colte, istruite, benestanti ma io a casa mia non li vidi mai. Ogni tanto però andavamo a fargli quella grande casa di campagna. Non ricordo scene di affetto. Mio nonno silenzioso, cupo.mi faceva un po' paura. Mia nonna non mi stava tanto simpatica perche mi costringeva a mettermi quelle gonne che io odiavo, quelle calze che non sopportavo. Però mi faceva il bagnetto e mi piaceva l'odore di bucato delle lenzuola. Sia io che mio fratello non abbiamo sviluppato un legame di attaccamento nei loro confronti e si è formata gradualmente una sensazione di disagio. Quando eravamo da loro non vedevamo l'ora che arrivasse la mamma..nostro unico punto di riferimento.
La nostra chiocca e noi i pulcini: la seguivamo O V U N Q U E.
5: Avendo cambiato paese cambiamo asilo e andiamo dalle suore: alcune sono buone altre severe..rincorrono le galline e danno le sculacciate se chiacchieri nell'ora del riposino. There is also a master, however, the Franca .. .. adorable.
6: Elementary: I am the only one with the blue folder of snoopy . I am ashamed a bit 'cause everyone else has a backpack.
are a child silent. do not trust. I'm a bit 'on the sidelines and do not understand all that noise. I like the teachers.
7.8: begin to bond with some male companions, with whom the games of fantasy, adventure, dinosaurs, lego .. afternoons at home or Outdoor to fantasize. The world of girls do not belong to me. I loved games and dress like a boy boy. Sweaters, slacks, her hair bobbed. I open myself temperamentally ..
become expansive, I love to run, play rubabandiera, scrape your knee.
The youth games: playing to win, I felt that nothing was impossible and it always wins.
I suffer for my father.
I miss .
The court states that we may see it every 15 days. He calls me, says that comes to visit.
does not keep promises.
cry cry cry.
One day he kept his promise but the day is transformed into a nightmare when we were in the bar downstairs and got drunk. I just remember his sentences meaningless and chairs flying.
I did not understand.
I liked him well yet.
At school I remember a thousand episodes of embarrassment
"What job does your father?" .. I invented the
"How many rooms do you have?" I invent them. I felt profoundly different
around and tried at all costs to hide everything. Log
a significant person in our lives: A.
He separated with two children almost our peers.
9, 10: A period of calm I think. My mother finally had a shoulder in a strong guide us more. I remember the trip in a motorhome, the days in a tent .. the lessons he gave me. But all this ended.
They parted. Go ahead
us 3 with our forces.
11.12: coming years averages. They are no longer in class with my male buddies. Start a tie with the female. The notes in class and the first few sentences in your journal. I liked the school. I'm still a tomboy.
12: the first kiss. Belgian cousin of my classmate. I also have photos of that time taken by herself. Then he left. I wrote him a letter but never responded. I cried so much .. even in the classroom.
13: Apart from the episode above the years of average spend peacefully. Although my father I miss again and I still hope in his "arrival".
comes the choice of high school. The teachers I recommend the school. I do not know what to do .. I trust the advice of my grandfather: I choose Accounting. I will regret bitterly.
14: I'ma good girl but unleashed. I want to go out, meet people. They are naive and go out with older kids .. no one takes advantage of: I'm lucky.
I tell my mom that I go under the streets .. in fact I moved away and continued naively to trust the older boys. Escape few kisses, some story that I'll regret .. a long list of plants. Also beginning to hear Gigi D'Alessio and I despair every time that my far-fetched stories are not successful. Perhaps all those older kids tried only my father.
15: My first true love: T.
him, my first crush, my first love affair .
16: I love him and I want to be with him for a lifetime. For the first time I make love with him. It was not very nice, but I felt really in love and happy in his arms. But pity that he left me.
Tragedy. Tears, tears, tears.
I rushed the stage, but growing, becomes stronger.
17: the 2nd guy: A. is a good guy, easy. I think being in love. Basically I'm fine and I feel protected. Then I discover that this is not love but only one more in need of protection. I leave it. I feel bad but it was the right thing.
18: I still remember the excitement. The black skirt, canotierina the blue. Within takes the cake in the bakery and I had ordered. very good. Restaurant to celebrate with all my friends, is a nice birthday. Giulia .. there is every birthday.
Less nice is the last school year. I do not like my friends, is flat and small groups of people wrong. I do not like even the teachers do not understand economics and business. I love so much writing, the themes. But I can not stand the teacher. It was during the time of Italian one day .. I feel bad chills, dizziness, tachycardia ..
panic attack!
the first, very strong. I can leave the courtroom. None of my "friends" comes out with me. Not even the professor. The only girl who comes out to ask how I am is the V: The only one that I never imagined.
I'm afraid.
I do not want to go to school but I try because I will not spend even just a year older in school. I can finish high school and always promoted with a fair vote but did not bring with me some great memories. I want to change all the road. I want to continue studying but what I love. Do not want to end up in an office.
19: in a summer evening, with my friend G., al mare.. sedute su una panchina..conosco F .
Nasce un'amicizia e presto diventa il mio ragazzo. Scegliamo come data ufficiale il 31 agosto . E' il 31 agosto di 3 giorni fa abbiamo festeggiato 4 anni. A dire il vero non abbiamo festeggiato. Ma lui è ancora qui, al mio fianco.
Siamo giovani ma desiderosi di vivere una storia.
Siamo innamorati.
Lui è un ragazzo maturo per la sua età, bravo, studioso, ordinato e anche bravo a cucinare:). Si prende "cura" sempre di me. é carino con me. Però litighiamo spesso. Io pretendo troppo. Voglio essere ascoltata, capita, ascoltata, capita.
Mio padre I miss yet.
20: if I remember is the year of seasonal work. I work for 3 months at sea as committed by a photographer. A nightmare. Plant up crying. But I learn to deal with people and finding out that I like very much. I did not even put a day and the boss is an asshole.
begin the first stomach.
After the summer I finally enrolled at the university of Education Sciences. Inidirizzo choose the "Educator's nest." I want to study subjects that fascinate me .. psychology, pedagogy ... finally entered the world that belongs to me and to leave number is calculated my shoulders. The calculator does not just belong to me.
I and F. celebrate our 20 years together .
21: been years since I have a beautiful person by my side and I finally got a better idea. But the serenity is not complete. The torment of the father with me. The quarrels with my mother and my brother are frequent. Often I would run away . I feel
different from my peers. I do not like most birthday celebrations, I do not like discos. I love to read and be alone with myself.
do not have many friends.
I can not stay on the premises too crowded, I can not eat in places affollatti. I can not quietly follow the lessons in the classrooms crowded. I feel observed, judged, misunderstood , a fish out of water. They are anxious, insecure, fragile but strong at the same time.
I need a reference point.
I miss .
My mother loves us but I feel his weakness. My grandparents love us, but they are absent.
It shows up but not because my father has changed. Indeed. My uncle is incapable of discernment, and he wants to take advantage. Not conceive of a thing. I'm going to stop him in the stands. Mi preparo il discorso poi però scoppio in lacrime davanti al giudice. Il giudice però capì. Mi diede ragione. Due minuti prima di entrare nell'aula mio padre mi parlò come se niente fosse. All'interno dell'aula si è mostrato per quello che era. Mi ha annientata con le sue parole crudeli e false.
Uscìì dal tribunale disperata e tremante. Lui accese la sigaretta e con aria d' indifferenza mi disse: "ciao". Io le fissai dritto negli occhi e gli dissi:" mi fai schifo." . Lui se ne andò. Io me ne andai piangendo con F. al mio fianco.
Un'altra persona faceva parte della mia vita: E. la mia psicologa.
Con lei potei sfogarmi e parlare di quell'episodio. Con lei inizia a tirare fuori l'anima e la rabbia .
In lei ho trovato un nuovo punto di riferimento. Una persona capace di Ascoltare, di comprendere. Tutt'ora mi appoggia. Peccato che sia a pagamento.22: un compleanno con amici che poi non si riveleranno tali. Non stavo bene con loro, indossavo anche con loro una maschera. Alla fine ho deciso di essere sincera con loro, li ho persi. Ma non mi mancano .
Il mio ragazzo parte per Londra. Ricevo le sue lettere e lo sento vicino vicino. Mi manca. Il tempo vola, torna.
Il tempo passa in fretta e solite routine. House, study, exams. I like the subjects I study. But I also enjoy reading on my own even if they do not always do. Tiziano Terzani gives me courage and I find great lines in his truth, so hard. Rather than try another book where you can find me. I do the same thing with the songs. Listening Marco Masini, which is not as sad as they say around. Indeed. Gives me strength in times not.
keep trying myself
I feel I do not have a definite personality.
appearance may change depending on people I'm facing .
For fear of pleasure. Unconsciously . I'm "working" on myself, I try to question me, never to arrive at certain and definitive answers,
complicating vivo.
I have no certainties.
I errors.
A month ago I took a train. was a ' alibi, an excuse, a way to find
a part of me that I choked .
I did suffer F. and I have suffered.
I have no security and maybe that will not let me how I should behave with the people I have on my side. I am terribly sorry if I appear and if they are inconsistent. If you are not the Michael that others expect.
But now I am so.
Tomorrow is not known.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Harbor Breeze Control Panel
Lately I write with difficulty on the blog, but not because they have something to scrivere.ANZI.Ma here as well as in life I'm afraid of wearing a mask. Each post is always true, real, immediato.Ma there is something wrong. Inconsistency. Words often pungent, deep thoughts, difficult, convoluted, to Sometimes sad and incomprehensible. All this in a blog from the green background with a ladybug and a picture of me smiling. A picture of me smiling and happy outside but inside very restless. Contrast, inconsistency, a contradiction. Yes today I feel like a contradiction: the dictionary
Sabatini Coletti says, "the principle of non contraddizone in Aristotle's thought: that the same thing can not belong and not belong to the same institution at the same time (eg, you can not simultaneously walk and stand still). "
C ome then I never feel I walk and stand still at the same time? the truth these days is that I nonsoancorachicavolosono is fraying. And this I do not know who leads me to want to force to identify with something, someone. And so in the years I became a girl with blond hair, thin, shy and insecure girl. I wore the classic steps of the good girl. The girl next door. The girl well and good manners. But she too silent too often silent to please others, not to disappoint. My unconscious habit of wanting to appear perfect in the eyes of others. This is my obsession with controlling the thoughts of all those who make sure those are positive towards me. My mania to move forward in the same same straight direction as not to disappoint others and the illusion of being "normal" girl like many others.
I wonder: is it possible to change 23 years?
I just want to be able to become myself. That true.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Blue Seat Covers For A Vw Beetle
weird these days .. day .. day free and not free of thoughts, memories faded and live at the same time. Remember kids, little girl, an adolescent. Days of confusion, fear for the future, days full of questions and awareness to have few answers. Days when I see sense and nonsense. Days when even a leaf stimulates my thoughts and my questions. Wants to scream, yell ... but sometimes feel suffocated, crushed by a world too large but also small. Days when I realize that everything around us is a distrazione: l'università, la casa, i passatempi...tutte distrazioni che ci portano al non pensiero..a evitare tutti quei temi che ci fanno paura e che vogliamo allontanare...siamo sempre di corsa, indaffarati, stracolmi di cose da fare. Io ho deciso di fermarmi. Sì, mi sono fermata un po'. Non vedo il senso di tante cose, non capisco alla fine di tutto quale sia la differenza fra un 18 e un 30, fra l'avere un lavoro e il non averlo. Non capisco quale sia il senso di questa corsa faticosa, il senso di questo lottare contro tutto e tutti. Ogni giorno in questo mondo devi lottare per emergere, per non farti schiacciare, devi adeguarti ed essere in un certo modo se vuoi far parte del gruppo. Devi adeguarti, devi entrare in quel circolo, in quel fottuto system of shit. Come quell'uragano pushed hard in fact suck, consumerism, surface, superficial, appearance. A world full of selfishness and narcissism. I can not stay inside all this shit .. and I find that I have to wonder who in the end I believe there somewhere. There .. because when we are small and pure riuciamo goni corner to see them in wonder. Growing up we are deprived of that purity .. teach us to change, to be made ... they teach us a lot of things wrong. We remove the spontaneity from the first day of school .. like compounds and the soldiers still in the pews ... divide the mind and body. Away spirituality. Fill us with things to do and we take away the experience, that truly touched by hand ... .. smells, tastes, smells, racing in the rain, crying, screaming ... feel like it ... want to get rid of all that is useless and immerse myself in the simplicity ..
"Conti hurt the things that did not go as you wanted
fearing only ever appear
worst of what you really are.
accurate accounts to remember those who have avoided
looks and how many words you've spoken
not to risk disappointing.
The house, the whole day,
the journey that you did to feel more confident
closer to yourself,
but not enough is never enough.
slides again and again as
one morning you were to dress and do not be ashamed to cover
slides again and again as if expecting another
surprise that faces
too distracted and absent
to understand your silence
there is a world of Intent
behind transparent
you close your eyes a bit '.
return to feeling the edges of that courage
failure that instantly make your eyes
invisible and your thoughts go back to count the days
know that you do not know how to wait
have closed too many doors for them
you embrace what you no longer
The house, clothes,
party and your smile and kept after erupted
want you to hurt less,
but not enough is never enough
slides again and again as you were a
morning to dress and do not be ashamed to cover
again and again as if expecting another
surprise that faces
too distracted and absent
to understand your silence is a world of
intent behind the eyes transparent
you close a bit '.
And you do not want any mistakes
want to live but he who does not live
leaves the sign of the biggest mistake.
slides again and again as you were a morning
to wear and do not be ashamed to cover
slides again and again as if expecting another
surprise that faces away
and too distracted to understand your silence is a world of
intent behind the eyes
clear that close a bit '.
I close a bit '. What
close ...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Zio Card Reader Driver
fourth review that I face this summer,
disappointed with teachers who do not appear as such but which appear only essercitare their profession for the sake of looking from above,
many thoughts and reflections,
themes that I have opened my mind as a matriarchy.
want to escape with the mind, body.
desire for freedom. The desire for independence.
desire for peace at home. Impossible.
Want to practice what I think. Difficult.
Want to move me, to give shape to what I feel. Possible.
not want to sun-sea-bed but something more.
desire to act. Alone. With my strength.
Please understand, to seek, do not give up.
desire for non-approval. Please
of madness, of change, transformation and growth.
not like writing a well-articulated speech.
Want to see and find a way.
But perhaps there is a sense.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Outlet Mall In Ontario
Monday, June 21, 2010
Lafayette Colorado Radio
We ... here I am on the eve of next review: Literature for Children. A teaching
very nice, pleasant, helpful. He gave me a lot of knowledge that I totally ignored. It will be that little girl I have not had a chance to be in contact with many cartoons, books, books illustrated fairy tales, stories written or oral.
the age of 3-4 years, when after the separation of my parents, many changes are occurring. Large and small. Inside of me and out. The environment around me was small. A kitchen, a room that was to include me, my brother and my mom. One bathroom. A long, narrow corridor often used as play space.
The TV was in the kitchen. In black and white! Although neta in 1987:) .. VCR absent. So what particular cartoon I've ever seen? I remember perfectly black and white. HO them a beautiful memory.
What I missed was that whole pile of boxes instead all my classmates had, with le storie di Cenerentola, Biancaneve,...e così via. Anche i libri scarseggiavano purtroppo. Però sicuramente quei pochi che avevo li consideravo unici. Cercavo anche la fiaba della buonanotte fra le parole di mia mamma. Forse troppo giovane e sola per capire il valore di certi attimi. Ma comunque piena di amore per noi.
La mia fantasia purtroppo non poteva scatenarsi all'interno di letture, immagini,.. ma in altri ambiti sì. I giochi inventati da me e mio fratello. Quel divano rosso si trasformava in una grande nave. Il pavimento in mare. E noi avventurieri navigavamo, affrontavamo il pericolo e rischiavamo di cadere in mare ma eravamo sempre pronti ad aiutarci l'un l'altro.
Insieme alla mia amica Giulia invece la camera diventava Città Barbie and the population. A single Ken for all:)
then strollers, cribs ... feed our imagination and we become mothers, daughters, sisters, friends. And how can we forget the toolbox 883. The songs became great soundtracks and imagined romantic serenades.
The floor, the bed, the couch where my place, our imagination take shape. So limited a space capable of holding large emotions and fantastic places immense.
regret but did not have at my disposal more books, more stories, more stories .. maybe even coming from the voice of a grandfather.
If I ever become a nursery teacher and if ever I'll be all mine I think I know and do not know what to give. If ever I have a son, the children will try to give them the best, the greatest possible stimulus because inside of them creates a world, rich and vast. Something precious that can remember as adults.
Books books and books. There are many authors who testify that there were precisely those, the first readings .. to have given birth in their passion for reading. An experience that leaves a deep impression. CALVIN
was captured by the images, fed his imagination and curiosity. They also delayed his ability to focus on the written word but powered his thinking in pictures. HENRY JAMES
who secretly listened to the reading aloud of David Copperfield.
names I did not know how BENJAMIN, Bichsel.
readings crimson saving as has happened to Kipling.
And the list goes on for much longer ...
throughout this line of evidence I wish I could add a day the names of the babies in the future I will. It 's still a matter of years, however:).