Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Red Blemishes On Skin

"O you who are immersed in the vicissitudes of life, and more than walking on solid ground, you have the impression of being tossed between storms and hurricanes: if you do not end up engulfed by ' rage dei flutti, non distogliere Io sguardo dal chiarore di questa stella!

Se insorgono i venti delle tentazioni, se t’imbatti negli scogli delle tribolazioni, guarda la stella, invoca Maria !

Se vieni assalito dalle onde della superbia, dell’ambizione, della calunnia, dell’invidia, della gelosia: guarda la stella, invoca Maria . Se l’ira, l’avarizia o le lusinghe della carne scuotono la navicella della tua anima: guarda la stella, invoca Maria .

Se turbato dall’enormità dei tuoi peccati, confuso per le brutture della tua coscienza, Awed by the rigor of the review you are about to be sucked from the brink of the abyss of despair and sadness, see the star, invoke Mary .

In dangers, in difficulties and in times of uncertainty, see the star, invoke Mary . Have his name always on the lips, abbila always in my heart and if you want to get the help of his prayer, remember to imitate their example.

Following you will not get you off the road, begging her not to despair, thinking she will not go wrong.

If she says you will not fall if she protects you will not have nothing to fear if she guides you will not tire, se ti sarà favorevole giungerai alla mèta e così potrai sperimentare tu stesso quanto giustamente sia stato detto: ‘e il nome della vergine era Maria’ “.

San Bernardo

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pierwsza Milosc Odcinki Online

Jesu! Rex admirabilis et triumphator nobilis, dulcedo ineffabilis, totus desiderabilis.

Jesu, dulcedo cordium,
fons vivus, lumen mentium,
excedens omne gaudium
et omne desiderium.

Mane nobiscum Domine, et nos shows lumine,
beats gloom mindset,
mundum repl dulcedinem

GP da Palestrina

O Jesus! Re admirable, noble conqueror, ineffable sweetness, everything to love.

Jesus, sweet hearts, living source, light of mind that goes beyond all joy and all desire.

Stay with us Lord, enlighten,
dispels the fog of the mind, fill the world with sweetness

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cool Sayings To Vegas

Marija from Catherine the Queen of Heaven

Today, in the early afternoon, Catherine should have a degree in Architecture. He had spent all summer on the thesis .... But is not the time of yearning. We are like soldiers in battle and you have to be present instant, without nostalgia.

We have to fight with and for Catherine. As you are doing: yesterday was clear. He has made other "small" steps that are actually large scale, like the fact that breathe alone ...

Yesterday was the feast of Padre Pio: I asked the Father a gift for Catherine. It has come a great and unimaginable: the visit of the Queen of Heaven. Yes, I am sure that Our Lady is always there with her, but yesterday in a special way those "ojos de cielo" Catherine sings with such passion (you've heard), they tenderly embraced ...

In short: in the morning Marija Pavlovic calls me (one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje), our great friend who had been praying for days Catherine, and tells me that - for a variety of circumstances - can come to Florence and would like to visit the very hour Cate the daily appearance.

E 'come, we attended the Mass and then went to my daughter with my wife, while we, with our friends from Cate, recited the rosary out. Our Lady came, he was on top of the bed, behind the head of Catherine. He has blessed and blessed and Alessandra Maria who asked the miracle of healing for Catherine.

Our Lady heard and began to pray. We made it clear with his gestures that one should rely totally on you and pray again. And we continue tirelessly ...

We have taught the saints. San Francesco di Paola said: "It 'sure thing that you say everything you ask for in prayer you know that it's already yours because it must be done at the behest of the Madonna. "

And mystic Maria Valtorta - which among other things, is buried right at SS Annunziata in Florence - it was said: "I tell you, you have a boundless faith in the Lord. Keep it in spite of all lodging and every event, and you will see great things when your heart will no longer have reason to hope to see them .... "

I think we're doing these days understand a lot of precious things. First, that the real disease is that of us healthy when we are far from God, Jesus needed someone to help him take on himself the evil of men. Per sanarli.

Noi cristiani che siamo parte del Suo Corpo, offrendoGli le nostre sofferenze e le nostre vite lo aiutiamo in questo. Io sono pieno di stupore e commozione per le tante persone che mi hanno scritto che offrono le sofferenze delle loro diverse prove e malattie… E’ stupore e commozione per l’abbraccio del popolo cristiano…

Una mail che ho ricevuto dice:

“Caterina senza fare nulla muove il mondo. Tutto quello che ci comunichi è un grande miracolo che accade davanti ai nostri occhi. Gesù è qui ora e possiamo vedere la Sua Gloria attraverso la fede del suo popolo. Caterina è i nostri figli e tu e Alessandra siete noi. Continuiamo a Pregare Maria perché Gesù heal your and our Catherine. A big hug. AT ". I also think that I

through silent suffering of Catherine, who moved so many hearts, Queen of Heaven is healing many people and I am sure, with the help of our prayers and our fasts, is doing great things. Catherine also heal, making it wake up from a coma and making it go back to singing the beauty of God

Among the thousands (literally) of emails that I receive and when I try to answer as I can, I will transcribe one, a mother, who says all these things:

Dear family that are suffering in a manner so similar to mine, in a deep coma for two weeks of my little Elena, an entire city, he prayed for her. Friends and acquaintances, people far from God and unbelievers were kneeling in the many night vigils held for my child. They tore a promise to God that you are now doing.

We in the recovery room, we have continually asked Elena about her praying aloud, singing songs of Sunday Mass to her, though small, had heard, so making them listen to Mozart.

A sleeping brain is aroused! I told her everything we had done together and I described all the good things that we did it again and all the wonders of creation that would have seen his eyes when cured.

woke up. In spite of his serious condition defined. The Lord listens to us. Even Catherine you are feeling like my little girl. The most serious dilated cardiomyopathy, of viral origin and still unexplained, it was resolved and the little heart beating Elena without help.

Courage, do not think about tomorrow, you live your day to day battle and the Lord will give strength and peace just like us.

continue to pray for Catherine.


These are beautiful examples that are giving me and what I write here because I think it will be useful for many. While I embrace you all and thank you for everything you do.

Many have been touched in listening to "Ojos de cielo" with the chorus sung by Catherine Fone, of the University of CL. In the coming days I will try to blog here in their other songs. I hope to hear his voice and that of his friends is a small thank you for your prayers and your fast offerings. But I am certain that the greatest reward will come from the sky ...

Antonio Socci

the blog

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Best Printer Scanner Under 150

by Antonio Socci's blog

Qualche notizia su Caterina

17 settembre 2009 / In Articoli

Amici carissimi,

mi arrivano centinaia di mail ogni giorno a cui, come potrete capire, faccio fatica a rispondere, travolti come siamo dalla vicenda della nostra dolce Principessa. Posso aprire la posta solo raramente e a notte fonda.

Quindi mi scuso con tutti coloro a cui non potrò rispondere e soprattutto ringrazio dal profondo del cuore per le tantissime preghiere che un popolo intero, in Italia e nel mondo , nei posti più lontani, in queste ore sta alzando al Cielo. E’ un popolo bellissimo e davvero commovente.

Ne abbiamo immenso bisogno perché in queste ore Caterina è stabile, sul piano fisico generale, ma in una situazione drammatica e delicatissima dal punto di vista neurologico.

Dobbiamo pregare ardentemente perché riesca a svegliarsi e possa tornare fra noi senza avere gravi danni cerebrali. Vi imploro ancora di pregare con noi per questo, convinto che si debba fare come si ha insegnato la Madonna a Cana, lei che per prima “vinse” la volontà di suo Figlio, “forzandolo” a soccorrere quella povera gente.

A Rue du Bac, rispondendo a santa Caterina Labouré su alcuni anelli alle sue mani che non emettevano raggi spiegò: sono le tante grazie che mio Figlio è pronto a concedervi, ma che voi non chiedete. In un’altra appearance repeated: "The heart of my son leaves move."

I assure you that the show of faith and love they are giving me at this time of Catherine's friends, always there for her in prayer, and many of you, your contutte testimonies to the love you have for my daughter also without ever having incotrata, even moved me I'm bad, so it is sure that Jesus is the Good move you.

Furthermore he taught us to ask persistently, tirelessly never, never lose faith because - he says in a passage from the Gospel, speaking of "importunate woman" - if only for its emphasis will be accontentata. E dice anche che “Il regno dei Cieli appartiene ai violenti” che ne saccheggiano i tesori: ecco noi vogliamo farGli questa dolce violenza con le nostre lacrime e le nostre preghiere, accompagnati da tutti i santi che abbiamo avuto anche la grazia di avere come amici sulla terra.

Poi, un giorno, quando potrò, racconterò quante persone che si dicono atee o agnostiche, per tenerezza verso Caterina, in queste ore, hanno ricominciato a pregare. Ma siamo anzitutto noi, io, Alessandra, i nostri amici che in queste ore ci stiamo convertendo. Ed è una conversione veramente definitiva E per questo ancor più insistentemente chiediamo al Signore la consolazione della guarigione di Caterina.

Amici dear, I implore you to continue with us in prayer for those still there is already changing and we understand - it is the Lord that enlightens us as well - how much we depend entirely on His grace. Totally.

I embrace you one by one

Antonio Socci

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Black Satin Pencil Skirt