Monday, December 27, 2010

A Confirmation Letter To The Priest

“Che vedi, figliolo?” gli chiese padre Emanuele. E Roberto, ancora di poca eloquenza: "The meadows." "Of course, anyone is able to see the Meadows over there. But you know that depending on the position of the sun, the color of the sky, the time of day & season, they can appear in different forms inspired various feelings. The peasant, weary work, they appear as Meadows, & nothing else. The same happens to the fisherman appalled by some of those wild night Images of Fire that sometimes appear in the sky, & scare; ma non appena i Meteoristi, che son pure Poeti, ardiscono chiamarle Comete Crinite, Barbate & Codate, Capre, Travi, Scudi, Faci & Saette, queste figure del linguaggio ti rendono chiaro per quali Simboli arguti intendesse parlar Natura, che si serve di queste Imagini come di Ieroglifici, che da un lato rinviano ai Segni del Zodiaco & dall’altro a Eventi passati o futuri. E i Prati? Vedi quanto puoi dire dei Prati, & come dicendone tu vieppiù ne veda & comprenda: spira Favonio, la Terra s’apre, piangono i Rosignoli, si pavoneggian gli Alberi chiomati di fronde, & tu scopri il mirabile ingegno dei Prati nella varietà delle lor stirpe d’Herbe allattate dai Rivi che scherzano in lieta childhood. The Meadows festive cheer with joy lepida, at the appearance of the Sun open the face & see them in the arc of a smile & rejoice for the return of abstraction, drunken kisses sweet Austria, laughter & dancing on the earth itself that opens a blank Letizia, & the warmth of the morning makes them so full of joy that they give vent to his tears of dew. Wreath of flowers, lawns give themselves up to their genius & witty hyperbole of Rainbows. But soon their youth known to hasten death, their rice is disturbed in a sudden pallor, the sky fades & Zephyr sighs already lingers on a Ianguente Earth, so that the arrive early wrath of winter skies, saddening the Meadows, a Frost & s'inscheletriscono. Here is my son: If you had said simply that the grass is no more pleasant would that represent its verdant - we already know - but if you say that make me laugh Meadows see the earth as a man will Lively, & learn how to observe each other human faces in all the nuances that I took in the meadows ... And this is the office of the Figure-eminent among all the Metaphor. If the engineer, and then the know, are to tie together remote notion and find similarities in dissimilar things, the metaphor, among the sharpest and Figures peregrina, is the only one capable of producing Wonder, that led to the Beloved, as the changes of scenes in the theater. And if we cause the Beloved Figures is to learn new things without effort and a lot of things in stem volume, that's the metaphor, bringing to mind the flight from one genre to another, there is only one word in travedere more than one goal. "
Umberto Eco - The Island of the day before - pag.85

by Eugenio Prati

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wsk Red Scorpion Six Template

Giorgio De Chirico

The man was beginning to think that they were to the brink of death and that they should find a place where nobody could find them. Sometimes, watching the baby sleep, he happened to break out in an uncontrollable crying, but was not the thought of death. He was not sure what it was but he thought that had something to do with beauty or goodness. Things they had no way of thinking. (...) He went out into the pale light, and stood there for a moment he saw the absolute truth of the world. The motion of the earth cold and ruthless died intestate. Darkness implacable. The dogs of the sun in their race blind. The crushing black vacuum of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals trembling like young fox in the den. A time and borrowed world and borrowed with eyes to cry.
Cormac McCarthy - The Road - pag.99-100

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Get Rid Of A Chest Infection

On Christmas Day

I do not care gifts, lights, atmosphere, tree, dinners with the relatives, fake cards. I do not want anything. I just wish more humanity and less superficial.
I let myself be lulled by the notes of this song that manages perfectly to give voice to my feelings.

Although I do not know and do not understand my language
today I want to write, because

this old world is dead and even though I've never seen
I feel like you too,
although we value coins
written down by a miserable reality,
us in this life
fallen petals from the same flower ...
If every time you forgive and believe in other

religions or have not yet found God, and yet I swear
sometimes with ferocity,
because you have lost your confidence, but
your blood burns like mine, even if you
convinced that love is the
most of the lying truth,
if you're still a prisoner of an error
you hurt ...

Merry Christmas,
unknown distant brother, I wish you a Merry Christmas

from my little Italian sky,

who hate you do not want to steal the future, make
good for evil,
Merry Christmas!

Although the war is on the air
and all around the world without borders
of freedom,

even if the poor are not that hungry and tricks,
surpluses in rich countries,
crumbs of generosity, a message arrives

even by people who every day helps those who can not make it,
for life reborn in a
a stable and universal heart ...

Merry Christmas [Merry Christmas!]
unarmed brother away,
I wish you a Merry Christmas [Merry Christmas!]
and the light of a wheat field,
not do it, do not throw
this dream within reach and
even if you turn off or change channels,
Merry Christmas!

Even without a job and without dignity,
even if you are filled with happiness, if this
notte, come per regalo,
ti ritrovi solo, dentro a un letto di ospedale,
buon Natale! [Buon Natale!]

A un secolo che muore,
buon Natale! [Buon Natale!]

Fratello non mollare mai, [Fratello non mollare mai,]
ma rincorri anche tu quella stella, [ma rincorri anche tu quella stella!]
la vita è una grande mamma che ti culla,
col suo alito immortale
e un oceano d'amore.

Anche senza l'albero
e i pacchetti da scartare,
anche senza tutta
questa festa artificiale,
fosse, come gli altri giorni,
il giorno più banale...

Buon Natale!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Copenhagen Tobacco Diabetes

At that time, there was no individual, no distinction was made between "I" and "you." The 'I' was born out of fear of death, only then an entity other than the 'I' has turned into "you." The man had still not afraid of himself and his knowledge of himself was on the other hand, were only the possession or being possessed, or being subjected to the subject which confirmed its existence. While "he", the third unconnected with "me" e con "te", si è venuto differenziando per gradi. Poi "io" ha scoperto che "lui" era dappertutto, l’esistenza di esseri diversi ha fatto retrocedere la coscienza dell’"io" e del "tu". Nella lotta per la sopravvivenza, l’uomo ha attenuato pian piano la coscienza di sé. Catapultato nel caotico mondo, l’uomo è un minuscolo granello di sabbia.
Gao Xingjian - La montagna dell'anima - pag.398

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Design A Sandrail On Paper

Serra - Parlare di spirito e particolarmente difficile perche si ha l’impressione che la vita, oggi, sia consacrata al controllo e allo studio del corpo; oserei quasi talk about a deification of the body. An impression is also reinforced by the reading of his books. If I were a priest would ask you if you spent all this attention to the body is not likely to forget the spirit. Or body and spirit are the same thing?
Petit - It's a wonderful question, but does not concern me, because I do not have anything to do with the body. Passion, intuition, pursuit of excellence, perseverance, love for something and all this fruit of the mind. To walk on a tightrope you certainly need the body, but first you must create an amazing energy and strength of faith: one must believe. Quando sono sulla fune, quando, dopo aver afferrato la mia asta da equilibrista, sono pronto a partire, devo sapere in anticipo, prima di fare il primo passo, che arriverò dall’altra parte. Se non lo sapessi fuggirei via, perche sarebbe terrificante. Questa è fede. Forse è una fede religiosa; di certo ha a che fare con la mente.
Philippe Petit - Credere nel vuoto - pag.44-45

Corvette Luggage Shade

opera di Jorge Eielson

Noi pensiamo che a renderci diversi dagli altri e unici come i fiocchi di neve siano le cosiddette caratteristiche individuali, i segni personali, le idiosincrasie coltivate nella più astratta e gelida solitudine, e invece l'unica cosa che veramente ci distingue e rende inconfondibili, nel bene e nel male, è la forma, la natura dei nostri legami.
Emanuele Trevi - Il libro della gioia perpetua - pag.53-54

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cast Iron Gorton Fisherman


CHINA - VATICAN Chinese bishops to attend the meeting deported Patriotic W. Zhicheng - Z. Yuan

The gathering, incompatible with the faith of Catholics, should elect the Presidents of the Patriotic Association and the Council of Bishops. Some bishops have been hidden for not participating, while others were taken against their will. The bishop of Hengshui, seized and torn to the defense of the faithful, was brought to Beijing.
Beijing (AsiaNews) - AsiaNews sources say that dozens of bishops of the official Church have been deported by force to the capital to force them to participate in the House of Representatives Chinese Catholics, which the pope is incompatible with Catholic faith.

The Assembly opened today in Beijing and is surrounded by secrecy and a low profile can not contact anyone, even the Xinhua did not give any news event. It should lead to the election of national president of the Patriotic Association and chairman of the council of Chinese bishops, two bodies are unacceptable to the Catholic Church because they are intended to build a separate, detached from the pope. "It's just a meeting for a new round of leaders," said Liu Bainian, vice president and director of the PA Assembly. In fact, the gathering is the "sovereign body" of the official Chinese church in which bishops are a minority among Catholics and government representatives. In its decisions are ecclesial shots rigged elections. Before today's meeting, all participants received by Liu Bainian indications of what to do and what to vote.

The Assembly has been postponed for at least four years because the official bishops, in obedience to the Holy See's, have consistently refused to participate.

AsiaNews sources report that many bishops from different provinces, to avoid being dragged in Beijing have gone into hiding or are given to patients. Others were taken by representatives Assembly Government and dragged against their will. Still others, who knew they could not escape, agreed to come to Beijing, but decided not to celebrate together the masses Assembly, being some bishops excommunicated.

The same sources claim that there are still bishops who have opposed any resistance. The Diocese of Beijing, in its newsletter, published two articles in honor of the event.
The most serious and obvious violence occurred in Hengshui (Hebei), where Mgr. Feng Xinmao was seized by about 100 police officers and government representatives, who have fought for hours against the faithful and priests who did shield the bishop to ensure freedom. In the clashes was a fair shot in the shoulder. In recent days, the bishop had been kept in isolation, away from his home. The faithful were able to snatch control of the police and take him to bishop. After hours of siege, the bishop was again arrested and last night at 20:30, Mgr. Feng Xinmao was dragged to Beijing to attend the meeting. One of the faithful, weeping, while the bishop is escorted away, said: "Our poor bishop has no freedom."

Another prelate, Msgr. Li Lianghui Cangzhou (Hebei) has disappeared to escape the meeting in Beijing. The police threatened that if the diocese is the bishop delivery sarà ricercato in tutto il Paese come “un pericoloso criminale”.

L’Assemblea e la deportazione dei vescovi gettano un’ombra buia sui rapporti fra Cina e Vaticano, dopo anni di stand by. La situazione è precipitata nelle scorse settimane, dopo l’ordinazione illecita di p. Guo Jincai a vescovo di Chengde, lo scorso 20 novembre. In essa, l’Ap ha obbligato otto vescovi ufficiali a prendere parte alla cerimonia, contro il volere della Santa Sede che ha condannato l’accaduto come “una grave violazione alla libertà religiosa”.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Women In Japan Being Molested

in this spark of life ..

... learn to rub the pain? I will be happy? "Learn" the love?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rollerbladingfreedom Of The Seas


nothing new and I work the corner of a bar
with a heavy coat and light
with a future dog bastards women
zero zero zero money Friends looks
zero zero zero zero stars punches balls zero
dreams of being me I was the first
the house bills and I had a license
but there was not transparent and are now no more black than white
unknown to sender finally
Zero zero zero and those who move more
if love is a tedious back and forth and you
girl with the sun between the teeth and an absorbent
where your heart that you
to bed you gave me the points and
you held prisoner between the legs and feelings for you but I counted zero
I do not like losers
want a man that is safer
within the powerful
those who have it hard
Yes all the numbers one and that's okay
all in downtown Milan
and no one helps anyone but I am a friend of
a train passes through here
every day and brings me the scent of the sea and a dress from scratch

Zero is a disease that
you are no longer in stock
even in this world of rich sandwiches
like grains of polenta human
maybe we are the children in swimming pools
placenta are the last of the first because the world does not slow
Yes all the numbers but one without me
how do you make ten to one hundred to one thousand
billion to make from scratch ... Without the zero

who cares about water and soap
I want a life of his beard and thought
want a big box that you see only the sky
shower and a shower of both the sun dries
and costs zero