Thursday, July 30, 2009

Can I Wash My Northface Jacket

Quando son nato io

When I was born I was in the summer, the ant and the man was shattered homes. Stones, hands, and loves goods lost or deleted from a devastating war that blacks, rich, priests, and then red and then all of them, had turned and propagated.

When I was born I had the words written on the faces of education in the job on his hands slapped. The experience was engraved in the wrinkles of the face and the rush in the pedals of the bicycle.

The hunger was like an old coat of arms, hidden but evident. The duty to be, was nailed in the state of the tasks, duties and liabilities. The breath was caught in the effort and cut by the smoke, love was brutal and the bellies of women baskets pitiful.

The belief was in the Lord, in the rich, the Devil and the Saints, and all of them were afraid, everyone. The pockets of change and played a courtesy, and other shoes were patched up and down. The clothes were a gift, used and turned over and the bread was a stocky, fresh or dried never a crumb on the ground.

noise trades was also beautiful, musical, stimulating, even smelling, and each workshop ladled her.

When I was born ... I

Leo Farinelli

Alabama Helmet With Number 13


I would meet my father, Rino, I'm missing for 50 years now, and since it was missing, was three in the morning and I was already dressed and ready to follow him in his job as an itinerant fruit. He had gone to the bar to drink tea, while I got up out of bed and washed, then I would have made a whistle and I would come down and party with him, already with vans full of chestnuts and walnuts to sell at the market.
Tired of waiting I sat and had supported the head of the table. I was half asleep upstairs and then heard the doorbell. It was not him. He was a roommate who had received a call from the emergency department, and my dad had a car accident, while the engine was started from the bar to go home, a tanker in the maneuver had hooked and pulled under.
Here, I want that patch of time was spot-on the resumption of dialogue that was interrupted. A breath would be enough to revive the love and the complicity of wandering that bound us, a glance between us to resume the affinity of two people who were three steps in addition to the bond between father and son. As if everyone had been boccone per l’altro.
Comunque lo incontro spesso, l’ho accanto nella vita di tutti i giorni, gli parlo, gli mostro la città com’è divenuta, discuto con lui del mio lavoro, dei miei hobby, e alle volte, andiamo oltre la terrena pazzia e ridiamo, e fantastichiamo sull’avvenire che non abbiamo avuto, io e lui assieme, e quindi all’interno della famiglia. Suppongo m’accompagnerà fino alla fine del mio viaggio attraverso il tempo, in fondo è quanto può fare un padre.
Poi vorrei incontrare i colori, tutti, e bearmi con loro, ubriacarmi di luce e di tonalità, then ask everyone to reveal the alchemy blend in with other, more arcane secrets, the ones that I have not been able to penetrate the imagination and brush.
Late at night I would meet the seven sisters who salgone and down the musical scale, and with them I would compose the melody which is inner restlessness and tenderness that accompanies me. I would like to unlock the box that held the man in the shadows, and spread it to answer the question of love that he ever asks himself and everyone else.
Then I would like to meet Celeste, the daughter that I had conceived but flew away before coming to light. Yes I would like to see her, caress her with his eyes and tell her how much I miss plan, turn them around her knees, slowly, so as not to upset her.
I would like to meet Jesus to tell him things he already knows all of us, to complain as they would as always and all. I would praise him for what he represents for me, a non-violent revolutionary who tried to teach us equality, a minimum of sociability, love of mankind. Then I would ask him a question - your choice is worth it? -
I would find Robert, a friend of one hundred girls and working, I would hug him and tell him, shouting - "you should not hang in the garage because you were gay, you were still a man. Look at us what we can do to keep on living. "
Finally at dawn I would like to see those dear souls who are now, and everyone I know and even people and that we should know. Even those that I read, which I admired, I sang, I loved, thought, emulated, even cursed and blasphemed. I would like to meet you all brothers and sisters that I checked from every part of the mist. There I would be meeting with gavettini of steaming coffee and a handshake. Leo

Monday, July 27, 2009

Triple 7 In A Flintlock

The words to tell her ...
is useless to seek the most beautiful, the exotic, the most difficult, the most distant and unknown to her heart. It 'no use whatever. Look into the eyes, inside her until she is a dolcemale. Understand.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Can Ovulation Pain Last A Week

The people you meet along the journey through time, may become important to you and how bulbs light up and off depending on your pace and their energy. Your love or your hate will make you some of those that remain on continuously. Even in total darkness or bright sun is your constant companion. Anyway.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lordstown Cabinet Wholesale


For some time the German army and that of liberation, they got hot steel dispatched on a long borders, line that ran through the Romagna and in those days, the deadly letters, they also doggedly to fall on the city of Forlì and the case, the countryside and neighboring countries. Even
quella mattina di metà ottobre del 1944 e come accadeva sempre all’improvviso, nell’intenso agreste silenzio, cannoni e mortai avevano ripreso a lanciare nelle invisibili, ma calcolate parabole, i loro mortali saluti ai dovuti indirizzi.
Chissà per quale nascosta strategia era successo, ma proprio il paese di S. Tomè, un raccolto di case coloniche distribuite sui campi, si era trovato a fare da bersaglio a un copioso e insolito tiro d’artiglieria. In pochissimo tempo, gli abitanti e gli sfollati ospitati, erano fuggiti dalle case cercando e trovando un immaginario rifugio nei campi, dentro ai fossi, nelle stalle, nel fondo di buie cantine, calandosi dentro ai pozzi dell’acqua.
Tra quegli sfollati c’erano also my future parents, twenty-three Rino and Rose Farinelli Manbelli with his twenty years, and one that I found as a brother, Gaetano, born three years earlier. They had also fled the city because they remained homeless, destroyed under a heavy bombardment. In the nearby countryside, a peasant family (the oldest of them was called "Angiuli"), she had welcomed and hosted in return they could make in the work of the house and fields.
In that time they were behind the house intent on stacking the wood for the winter, but soon felt the rain of grenades, were caught on the fly Gaetano and fled into the yard, after having crossed were rushed into the barn.

There, near the end of the room and space for a pantry and barn, there was still space for people and having notched the cows, the wheelbarrow and moved some equipment, were sunk between the straw, lay the narrow ' one another.
With each explosion nearby, everything shook and cracked, the sudden displacement of air compressing the stomach, chest, ears of humans and animals. In response to the crash site and soon after, he rose the murmur of prayers or chewing mouths brutal, desperate curses, while the higher tone in the air floated the screams of frightened children and the cows mooing.
There, huddled in the corner and spent a few minutes to whisper words of encouragement, their bodies so close they had begun to be transmitted not only courage, but also emotion and warmth, and mother Rosa, the first incredulous, then conscious and troubled, had After pressing against him and insisted not only the body of Father Rino excited, but also his throbbing sex and stony that knock to the thigh.
For a couple of minutes and had confided in vain for a silent retreat of the natural warrior pounding, then picked up the distress and much courage, in a long whisper she said pressing her husband's ear:
-Are you crazy? With what we're raining on me ... we can not do so, there is a child, there are people coming and going, are stiff with fear that we jump in the air ... all have our feet in the muck and you make me feel your cravings! - Reported
to reality for a few seconds Father Rino had ceased to expect and was away from the body that had turned on.
Probably, however, become too excited, was not successful in delaying boarding and again, a sudden storm had blown up the defenses of mother Rosa, who after a brief physical endurance and no other valid arguments, unarmed, had pushed to the side Gary, then prepared and accepted that sex was in a hurry, bearing, distracted hug.

At the same time as Father Rino was preparing to stop sexual intercourse, and ejaculate as he usually did in the straw, the grenade exploded inches away from the barn, everything and everyone was staggered, and then he unleashed pandemonium.
The first door opened in front of the pantry had been torn off its hinges and was flown in pieces inside the room and all around. A large splinter of wood that was over there, against a lot of grain and seeds was broken, loose from the tight embrace of jute, had fallen to just fall back to Father Rino believing that a collapse of the ceiling, had contracted the kidneys and hugged his beloved to protect it. That further
e forzata manifestazione di ardore, gli aveva impedito di compiere la dovuta e previdente manovra di distacco, al contrario, l’abbraccio ne aveva facilitato un’altra, e permesso il deposito del seme ove era naturalmente destinato.
Indifferenti del trambusto generale, per un paio di minuti erano rimasti così, audacemente allacciati e felici per lo scampato pericolo, poi sommessamente e a lungo avevano riso per l’imprevista ed esplosiva volontà del caso, che li aveva obbligati ad una involontaria e temuta semina.
L’anno dopo, nel mese di luglio, da quella seminagione nascevo io, inconsapevole scheggia umana finita tra le braccia e sul cammino di una giovane coppia, preda di tragici eventi e di irrinunciabili istinti.

Whenever dusts off his mind I know that episode from childhood, I stop to think about the strange alchemy that strict but led me to the earth. Around and moving items around that singular event, which took a man and his woman involved in a bombing and that he, oddly, was caught in a relentless sexual arousal.
I am disturbed by this timely burst of shrapnel, and I hit the same piece of wood, ripping the sack of wheat, as precise triggering mechanisms, able to nail down where my dad was penetrated, so that I could become.

Yes, I must confess that in those moments of imaginary projection, I find myself thinking that the incident non può essere addebitato solo al concerto di svariati casi, ma probabilmente anche a una arcana e lontana volontà.
Leo Farinelli

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Opinions Skorpion Quadline

Tutti abbiamo dentro di noi un entroterra dove viviamo esperienze sconosciute agli altri e che contribuiscono alla nostra crescita fisica e spirituale.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Community Service Completion Letter Format

Il tempo non passa, siamo noi che lo attraversiamo. Il tempo è.

Bootcamp Windows Universal

Ascolto sempre le parole di chi mi parla, ma cerco sempre di tradurre la sua mente.

Monday, July 6, 2009

What Is The Substitute Of Silk


The gust that lifted the bitter
aroma of the sea to the spirals of the valleys, and
t'investì, I ruffled his hair,
tangle short against the pale sky;

t'incollò that the burst as the
and will fast-track in his image, as
session, you away, these stones
Mount the chasm that juts;

and off as the fury briaca
now finds the garden the soft breath
you rocked, lying in the hammock,
among the trees, it ' you fly without wings.

Alas, never twice configure
time in the same way the grains! And escape
is something which, if happens, together with the nature
our fairy tale will burn in a flash.

gushes that s'addoppia, - and now shows up
a group of villages that lie
the look on the side of a sloping
you parry of ruffles and palvesi.

The world exists ... A surprise stop
the heart that gives nightmares to stray,
messengers of evening:
and does not believe that men have a party hungry.

Eugenio Montale (1926)