Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Active Windows Blinds

Opera by Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Each party

In every party there is a basket

where there is a person who has a funny sad

head with a large ridge that every man crushes

and is the sixth time that every man crushes

with the big ridge under the head
funny than sad person inside the famous basket

that you find in every party

by Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kate Playground O Face Shower

Kaveh Hosseini - The Joy

- Father, you know what evidence the lawn?
-You mean the grass? - Yes, the grass and flowers. Even that is not grass and flowers. The land, animals, small rocks, roots. The lawn. All the lawn. You know what proof?
- I hear you, - Ganuan approached the head of the child.
- The grass feels happy weariness, - said the boy, with the tone of one who reveals a secret - much like when you run the game. The lawn has run very ... She paused suddenly. The Burban was silent, his head close, waiting.
- The lawn ran a lot, - said Madurera - with insects and seeds and the wind. Even his color went away. There and back many times. Then. .. (...)
- The lawn does not feel the above and below, - he said.
- What do you mean, Madurera? - Asked Burban returning to China.
- Do not feel the roots and stems in the ground in the air - said Madurera - does not feel the inside and the outside. Do you understand?
ll Burban was silent.
— Guarda là, padre, — disse il bambino indicando attorno, — vedi, le radici del prato sono nel cielo della terra, e i fiori sono radici nell’aria.
Con la mano aperta copriva da lontano la lascia dipinta sulla parete.
— I fiori sono radici nell’aria. Gli animali entrano ed escono, sono dentro e fuori. Entrano nella terra, escono dal cielo. Il prato li protegge nel loro passaggio. Li protegge. Li sente tutti e li protegge. Ganuan sollevò una mano del figlio e la baciò.
- It 's true what they say Sakumat son. You are a poet.
Madurera smiled. - The lawn is a poet - and he again fell asleep. Roberto
Quilts - the arrow - pag.77-78

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homemade Salt Scrub For Hands

picture Mimmo Jodice

gaze trained to run around the deeply troubled glances in short sequences is a look deformed. In the new environment, where most people do not have it, has the effect of something that flickers on his face.
stranger's gaze that was brought below is an old thing. Again
only has that, among the others look intact, you can see.
It can not eliminate overnight, maybe it would be impossible.
of this look healthy if people realize it quickly. They believe that this look has been developed and are now themselves and their environment, the cause of this mode of search. Referring to that look, I've heard used several times already, by people of integrity, the word "iconoclastic." And I mean that, with this look, "protesting," I should not wonder if I was in the country where I was treated badly. This statement implies that I have been to force the dictatorship to persecute and it to impose on me this look.
What the people here are monsters so annoyed, so immeasurably and unreasonably alarmed against anyone who is a stranger, much to distance itself as if by instinct, this is something that has to do with this look.
not that I want to take up the defense of the alien look.
It does its job regardless of who has nothing to do, reveals his nervousness because they can not do otherwise. In the train compartment, the supermarket, in the waiting room or in the flower shop deals with others, observing them in a lively and penetrating way in which they are accustomed.
paves the faces and gestures of strangers, reaching quick observations, as has been practiced to do for years and years: just look at it and has already incorporated the deciphering.
Who is intact is the same one that has little indulgence for him.
He sometimes draw the wrong conclusions, often radical, which are not correct. The eye gets stranger aggressively on defense, while there is no need.
needs the state of alarm that is used, the constant irritation in short intervals, can be recharged with those who are accidentally overlooked, we need people who are not concerned in any way. These projects on the ill that they need to respond with a defensive attitude, gives them, numbness, coldness, perfidy. And, if those who are faced with is friendly, the hypocrisy of blaming.
stranger's gaze do not captivate you can, since it mixes with people of her past life that has nothing to do with it, it is considered injured and is prone to presumption.
E 'may well be that strange look in his continuous provocation - but there is no alternative - is partly responsible that provokes hostility from those who target the innocent.
endangers himself as if he had something to hide. In the gaze
stranger lurks the duplicity of the objects that cast shadows insignificant significant opposition from the chrysalis to get undress.
Esso somiglia alle cose del suo mondo sotto sorveglianza d'un tempo. (…)

foto di Mimmo Jodice

Che lo sguardo estraneo sia corresponsabile dell’effetto che fa sulle persone integre è soltanto un aspetto della questione. Anche la gente integra assume un atteggiamento difensivo senza che ce ne sia alcuna necessità. Anche loro proiettano sullo sguardo estraneo quelle motivazioni di cui hanno bisogno per sfuggire il soffio della vita danneggiata. Nello scricchiolìo fra la gente di qui e gli estranei sono due i partiti in gioco. A proposito di ciò che bisogna intendere per sguardo estraneo, però, il contenuto del concetto è stato coniato da quelli di qui, dagli integri. And 'their country, their language. They did a shared definition of their advice when we can no longer change anything: a foreign eye reacts to the stimulus of a foreign country.
the people integrated this belief is useful, humanitarian distance from strangers is permissible.
If the victim gives a different explanation for his strange look, at the foot of the refuses.
It's scary to realize how much of a rubble how he carries with it a world that works in perfect order. The
shared definition: "A foreign eye reacts to the stimulus of a foreign country" means the hope that this look would cease to exist once get used to the newness of the country. (...) Consider the effect of foreign eyes a strange environment is even more absurd as the opposite is true: it comes from the familiar things of which we are removed from the obvious.
Nobody is willing to give up the obvious, everyone depends on things that remain obedient to him and not lose their nature. Things that you can trade without reflected in them.
If one begins to reflect, the following can only go down a precipice, from every little gesture glances toward the abyss. Feeling
in agreement with things is valuable because let us live. The name is obvious. It exists only until it is perceived.
I think the obvious is the more relaxing it is given.
It keeps us at a safe distance from ourselves. And the most perfect way to save money, that of not having to take account of its presence.
It is the result more difficult when the obviousness fails, the fact that human beings are found not depleted of individual components enumerable of its existence, but once tutt'in become impossible for them to bring many things to a unity with themselves.
It developed a sensor that quivers and trembles constantly. The continuous self-perception has something di incestuoso con la realtà circostante e di adulterino con la propria persona. I nervi sovreccitati ce li si sente in corpo, alla lettera, come dei filamenti e non li si può strappar via.
Ci si stanca di se stessi e bisogna amarsi.
Herta Muller - Lo sguardo estraneo - pag.44-55

Moneymiami Love Of Money

"Pompei" di Mimmo Jodice

È in questa vita di tutti i giorni che si è sviluppato lo sguardo estraneo. Lentamente, silenziosamente, spietatamente in mezzo a strade, a pareti, a oggetti familiari. Ombre significative vagano intorno popolando lo spazio.
E gli si sta dietro con un sensorio che ti brucia di dentro con un continuo guizzare.
Il banale vocabolo persecuzione has more or less this aspect.
why I can not let go of that motivation I LOOK FOREIGN be assigned in Germany.
The look is a strange old thing, I brought away with me, have ready-made, from the fact that I had known.
It has nothing to do with foreign travel in Germany.
stranger to me is not the opposite of you know, is the opposite of the family.
What is unknown need not be a stranger, but can become what we know.
Herta Muller - The look strange - p.32-34

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Detect Maxtor Hard Drive Vista


- So what's behind la sua espressione!- Protestava il vecchio stizzito.
- Cosa c’è dietro?
- Niente. E’ pieno di niente.
- Sa un mucchio di cose, - replicava il ragazzo.- Credo non ci sia niente che non sa.
- Lui non sa che c’è qualcosa che non può sapere.
Lui pensa che se non sa qualcosa, qualcuno più in gamba di lui può spiegargliela e lui viene a saperla lo stesso. E’ questo il suo guaio.
Flannery o'Connor - Il cielo è dei violenti - pag.44