Monday, June 21, 2010

Lafayette Colorado Radio


We ... here I am on the eve of next review: Literature for Children. A teaching
very nice, pleasant, helpful. He gave me a lot of knowledge that I totally ignored. It will be that little girl I have not had a chance to be in contact with many cartoons, books, books illustrated fairy tales, stories written or oral.
the age of 3-4 years, when after the separation of my parents, many changes are occurring. Large and small. Inside of me and out. The environment around me was small. A kitchen, a room that was to include me, my brother and my mom. One bathroom. A long, narrow corridor often used as play space.
The TV was in the kitchen. In black and white! Although neta in 1987:) .. VCR absent. So what particular cartoon I've ever seen? I remember perfectly black and white. HO them a beautiful memory.
What I missed was that whole pile of boxes instead all my classmates had, with le storie di Cenerentola, Biancaneve,...e così via. Anche i libri scarseggiavano purtroppo. Però sicuramente quei pochi che avevo li consideravo unici. Cercavo anche la fiaba della buonanotte fra le parole di mia mamma. Forse troppo giovane e sola per capire il valore di certi attimi. Ma comunque piena di amore per noi.
La mia fantasia purtroppo non poteva scatenarsi all'interno di letture, immagini,.. ma in altri ambiti sì. I giochi inventati da me e mio fratello. Quel divano rosso si trasformava in una grande nave. Il pavimento in mare. E noi avventurieri navigavamo, affrontavamo il pericolo e rischiavamo di cadere in mare ma eravamo sempre pronti ad aiutarci l'un l'altro.
Insieme alla mia amica Giulia invece la camera diventava Città Barbie and the population. A single Ken for all:)
then strollers, cribs ... feed our imagination and we become mothers, daughters, sisters, friends. And how can we forget the toolbox 883. The songs became great soundtracks and imagined romantic serenades.
The floor, the bed, the couch where my place, our imagination take shape. So limited a space capable of holding large emotions and fantastic places immense.
regret but did not have at my disposal more books, more stories, more stories .. maybe even coming from the voice of a grandfather.
If I ever become a nursery teacher and if ever I'll be all mine I think I know and do not know what to give. If ever I have a son, the children will try to give them the best, the greatest possible stimulus because inside of them creates a world, rich and vast. Something precious that can remember as adults.
Books books and books. There are many authors who testify that there were precisely those, the first readings .. to have given birth in their passion for reading. An experience that leaves a deep impression. CALVIN
was captured by the images, fed his imagination and curiosity. They also delayed his ability to focus on the written word but powered his thinking in pictures. HENRY JAMES
who secretly listened to the reading aloud of David Copperfield.
names I did not know how BENJAMIN, Bichsel.
readings crimson saving as has happened to Kipling.
And the list goes on for much longer ...
throughout this line of evidence I wish I could add a day the names of the babies in the future I will. It 's still a matter of years, however:).

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Emily18 Beach Article

SFOGO.RABBIA.O do not know what.

(Blimey!-Mireille D'Allanche. Bellissimo register shows that expresses my mood today)

sometimes I wish I could write something exciting about me, about my family .. I know, cute anecdotes, tales of beautiful days we spent together .. something .. how many of you do. But
In my family there is obviously something wrong.
Communication is very poor and when you end up there often to discuss or to reach high tones .. we closed three people each in their own world and it seems that no one likes it or not be able to interact openly, peacefully and with love . it is difficult to tell the whole story in a post of my family but I can try to describe components.
My dad is not a component: no. Or rather, there has not been able to since I was about 3 anni.Ne emoitivamente, neither physically nor economically.
My mom was always there. Alone with his strength a little more than 20 years has raised two children, worked with his own strength. He always loved me and my brother. He did and does. Of this I am sure .. but he does say that a bit 'in its own way, without showing it openly. It is not a mother who hugs you, kisses you, you jump on him. a mother is not asking you to make her a ring when you arrived at your destination. is not a mom when you are gone a week I called 3 times a day. Do not send her love to gestures, words. Maybe it simply shows going to work every day and worrying about eating. Perhaps this is the only way in which he can prove his love.
not blame her at all. I know that is not to blame. Simply did not and does not have the right tools. I think a lot about his personality is due ai suoi genitori.
i miei nonni: li chiamo così ma, con rammarico, non li sento tali. Probabilmente anche loro,sì, ci vogliono bene. Ma anche loro non lo dimostrano ne a gesti ne a parole. Però sì, c'hanno aiutati economicamente quando dopo i casini fatti da mio babbo siamo rimasti praticamente in mezzo alla strada. Quindi certo c'hanno aiutato. La cosa che non mi piace però è il fatto che lo facciano notare. A mio parere se uno vuole aiutare e se lo fa dal profondo, per amore...NON lo rinfaccerebbe MAI.
oltre a questo non ricordo mai neanche da parte loro carezze, baci, frasi, racconti...non riesco purtroppo ad associarli alla figura tipica dei nonni..pronta a coccolarti e a farti sentire speciale. La delusione maggiore by my grandfather when I heard it, finish high school, I thought about my future. His counsel, in front of my desire to make the university and pursue my dream was to go to work. Reason? because "the situation in which you find you have to work."
What can I say ... I do not .. I would have expected from him since oltrettutto is highly educated and graduated! many would say "a cool grandfather graduated ... .. young spin doctors." Well at that time I would have preferred a grandparent contadino.Più elderly. More genuine. More loving. My grandmother
I think is good, but too much influenced by the subject mentioned above.
My brother. Well let him be too difficult. it is impossible to describe it. When I think of him I see a boy of 24 years imprisoned inside his own world, inside a cage from which it knows will not quit. He has not finished his studies, not work, he spends most time at home to the PC. Although this is smart. yes it is. but fails to exploit that intelligence deep. Does not consider important the material. But unfortunately that still did not understand money are necessary to live. My brother loves to talk about life, his way or no way. He likes to talk of ideals, of sensitivity. But many times does not show much sensitivity. Or maybe even in this case can not. is a lunatic. After a morning of silence is capable of telling you yell ugly things in the world just for a word from me che lo ha fatto innervosire. Mio fratello non è cattivo ma spesso fa il cattivo. è pieno di rabbia. Non sa tirarla fuori e l'unico modo per sfogarsi è trovare un pretesto per urlare di fronte a me. L'unico modo che ha per sentirsi forte è colpirmi nel profondo con temi che sa che posson ferirmi. Pensa di non esser mai nel torto, di non sbagliare mai e dice di esser in pace con stesso. Dice che è felice. Ma io credo che sia solo un modo per auotoconvincersi e un'arma per non sprofondare.
Ultimo ma non meno importante componente della famiglia è Ragù: il gatto. Forse l'unico che è riuscito a creare un po' di unione fra di noi in questo mare di confusione. In questo mescolone di cose che non vengono mai elaborate.
Lui col suo simple swipe and you will always, he rose with his Musino is capable of giving us so much. At all. And I
? I try to face all this chaos without losing heart even in times of crisis will inevitably come. I WANTED TO GET TO MY DREAMS despite everything. I try to fight for something precious. I try to commit x what I believe even if few believe in me. or at least I try. I have to prvarci only for myself .. because the family that I want in the future is not like I have now.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kidney Cancer Grows Fast Years

... A journey from sitting!

morning and afternoon they go fast ... but at the same time spent on a chair in a thousand other places .. thanks to this book. A book of children's literature which not only help me prepare for the next examination allows me to go into a new space feeding my curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Sometimes complicated, sometimes simple, fluid, smooth and able to hold his eyes fixed on the pages for a long time.
The first impression was not good but because I was limited to a hasty judgments. Now that reading continues immerse myself in the pages almost completely estranged from everything around me.
Maybe that's the secret of facing the difficulty of the study: forget that this is a consideration, surrender, and carried away by a fan of reading!